Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women s Dependency During World War I - 1654 Words

Women have always had a very trivial role in the United States’ society. Women have been devoiced for centuries. One important reason being that there was a lack of women s dependency in society. During World War I women’s dependency society had increased tremendously. Women stepped up to maintain the work of their husband, brothers and fathers who were soldiers in the Great War. The United States was reluctant to go into war for three reasons. The United States felt that by staying neutral that the United States would have a great economic increase, the war would cause a separation between the immigrants of the United States, and the United States did not want European powers to feel they could interfere with the United States affairs†¦show more content†¦At the time war was a priority. Women noticed the United States vulnerability and felt that the war was the best time to speak up for their rights and to prove to society that they are as dependable as men a re. Women became more dependent in society and less available for their children at home. Conscription: Woodrow Wilson, president during World War I, believed greatly in moral diplomacy. World War I had started in August of 1914. The United States had not officially entered into World War I until April 6, 1917. Neutrality was a good call from Wilson, but when President Wilson decides to send private bank loans to the Allied Alliances during World War I, and began to sell less of the United States products to Germany and Austria-Hungary, it was pretty evident that the United States would join the side of the Allied Alliances. There are many different people that had inhabited the United States up until this point. There are people from all over the world that came to the United States to start a new life. This diversity of location meant that there were many diverse opinions. There were those who agreed with President Wilson that the United States should join the war against the Central Alliances because the Allied Alliances seemed more morally correct in the sense of going into war, a nd there

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