Tuesday, August 25, 2020

International Dimensions of Business Essay Example

Universal Dimensions of Business Paper For the last errand of this unit, I will be fundamentally evaluating the focal points and weaknesses of the development and impact of a MNC (global organization) of my decision. With this, I will look at the vital explanations behind extension while analyzing the effect it would have/has on a creating host nation as far as components, for example, buyers decision, work rates, people/residents, different organizations (rivalry), and so on. At long last, I will likewise be surveying the effect it has on evolved have nations and the effect it would have on their legislatures. The business I have chosen to pick is Ryan Air in light of the fact that as I have been chipping away at it all through this unit, I trust I will think that its simpler to relate sure to subjects and speculations to it. Vital Reasons why RyanAir Expanded For the initial segment of this undertaking, I will be giving key reasons why RyanAir chose to grow globally. As a matter of first importance, most fundamental motivation behind why RyanAir probably needed to grow universally is on the grounds that that is the idea of what flight administrations are, moving between various countries reliably and securely and as this is RyanAirs administration there was essentially no other decision yet to extend. In any case. The following are some other essential key reasons regarding why they may have chosen to grow. Geographic Diversion (RyanAir) Geographic redirection is where organizations intentionally plan to spread their dangers by moving into abroad markers and could have been a factor in RyanAirs choice to go about as a worldwide organization. We will compose a custom exposition test on International Dimensions of Business explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on International Dimensions of Business explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on International Dimensions of Business explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Geographic choices is utilized specifically situations where a business has soaked their home market simply like RyanAir appear have finished with the UK thus in this manner utilize huge markets abroad in which they would have the option to assemble a serious market. So for instance, if RyanAirs deals and number of travelers began to fall in the UK, the achievement being delighted in different nations would exile the hazard being held to RyanAir as an organization. Pressing together a Global Logic (RyanAir) The second vital motivation behind why RyanAir may have chosen to grow is to seek after a worldwide rationale this significance to recognize a condition in the market that requires an organization to embrace a worldwide technique. This implies in light of the idea of the market, that extending is the main reasonable activity and that unquestionably applies to RyanAir on the grounds that air flights are a worldwide assistance thus by growing across Europe RyanAir had the option to spread their expenses more than a huge number of more clients. The Temptations of Overseas Markets (RyanAir) Despite the UK having a significant enormous and all around organized market, the enticements of bigger markets, for example, Germany and Russia may have been what enticed RyanAir to extend across European waters and despite the fact that these nations may not be as financially progressed as the UK nor is the normal compensation as high, RyanAirs low tolls are probably going to stop this being an issue. To expand Profits (RyanAir) Moving to another country to utilize existing assets is presumably perhaps the best choice a business today can make in light of the fact that for instance, an organization that spends a lot of cash on innovative work will find that they can really spread the expense over an a lot bigger yield by selling in a more extensive market which would in the long run lead to higher benefits which is one of the primary points of any business and undoubtedly advances to RyanAir. Preferences of Becoming a MNC There are numerous favorable circumstances to originate from being a one-nation business into a multi-country company, for this piece of the errand I will currently be clarifying in extraordinary detail a portion of the points of interest that profited or that will profit RyanAir later on from turning into a MNC. The following is a table of some = of the points of interest that originate from being a MNC identified with RyanAir. By turning into a MNC, RyanAir have allowed themselves the chance to profit by them the developing scene advertise for merchandise and ventures. This is a piece of the procedure of globalization which is the quick development of comparable merchandise administrations created and circulated by MNEs on a world scale and in spite of RyanAir just being an European organization, their flights and air administration despite everything has a major part to play and this thus the organization would profit. Another advantage that would originate from being a MNC to RyanAir is that they are giving themselves a higher possibility of the fundamental dangers and vulnerabilities of the unhindered commerce cycle that they face from inside their own economy. This is on the grounds that the more they spread their impact of different countries through their administration simply like they have done on the UK, they are then ready to spread their dangers en route. Probably the greatest advantage is that working abroad furnishes RyanAir with the ideal chance to react to the expanded outside rivalry that is ceaselessly rising and secure their own European piece of the pie. At the point when other outside worldwide organizations (aircrafts) start to contend in a specific MNE advertise that RyanAir is engaged with, this gives them the impetus to venture into new markets. Being a MNC additionally permits RyanAir to defeat duty dividers from inside the United Kingdom. Obviously, being a MNC gives RyanAir a more extensive scope of clients to target and browse as they give about everybody around Europe the choices of utilizing their administration rather than simply limiting themselves to the UK which gives them a higher possibility of getting a bigger client base quite a long time after year. Above are only a portion of the favorable circumstances and advantages that RyanAir would have had the option to appreciate from working as a worldwide co-activity that would have given the organization itself a more noteworthy possibility of accomplishment and progressively universal acknowledgment. How RyanAir turning into a MNC influences less created/creating Countries I will currently be talking about how RyanAir turning into a global organization would influence less created nations or creating nations in which they work and what sway it would make on them. Since RyanAir just work in Europe, it would be hard to state how they influence less created nations (third world nations) in light of the fact that close to none of these exist in Europe anyway I can say what sway they would have on creating nations (second world nations) on the grounds that a significant number of these exist in Eastern Europe, nations, for example, Bosnia, Serbia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, and so forth and RyanAir work in every one of them. The components where I will examine how RyanAir influence these countries will be separated into variables, for example, client decision, business, rivalry and the earth. Customer Choice/Individuals No issue the condition of the economy or government, having a wide decision accessible is consistently an advantage to the residents of that country, yet conceivable especially more so for individuals in creating nations than in higher created nations. Almost all of Western Europe is filled all the more monetarily created nations, for example, Spain, Portugal, England, France, and so on anyway having a more extensive decision accessible (for this situation of flights) would be increasingly important to those living in Eastern Europe and I will currently clarify why. Numerous things can be resolved in various nations by the condition of their economies and whether they have a place with the principal, second or third world classification these elements incorporate things, for example, way of life and normal pay. When there is a more extensive selection of alternatives accessible paying little heed to the field of item or administration, as a general rule this outcomes in lower valuing on the grounds that all the organizations attempt to contend and pick up the biggest client base and the biggest piece of the overall industry so costs fall significant with the goal for this to be accomplished. Alongside this, individuals living in Eastern Europe live in creating nations, for example, Bosnia and Serbia (second world nations) thus the normal compensation of the populace would be significantly lower than that of those living in Eastern Europe thus as a result of this an expansion in client decision which is the thing that RyanAir would get terms of flights would improve the probability of costs of flights falling on the grounds that it is expanded rivalry thus this would be increasingly important to those with lower normal wages Eastern Europeans particularly with a professional RyanAir who effectively offer modest flights normally. So to sum up, RyanAir working in creating nations, for example, these would be immensely useful to the individuals on the grounds that in addition to the fact that they get a more extensive decision to look over, however this would likewise bring about lower trips for them which is incredible all round and couldn't have been accomplished had RyanAir never turned into a MNC. Business Employment is another factor that would be influenced by RyanAir working in creating European nations and in a positive way. One of the elements that perhaps square creating nations from arriving at their maximum capacity is joblessness levels. Set very forth plainly, RyanAir working in nations like these would profit RyanAir as well as the nations themselves in light of the fact that with their presentation and presence across parts of the nations, at that point this opens up an entirely different scope of employments which must be taken by residents of those nations without hurting the situation of anybody elses occupations. Taking everything into account, RyanAir working in creating nations in no uncertainty benefits them as far as business essentially in light of the fact that without undermining the occupations of those previously working, it opens up positions for the individuals who arent which cuts down work levels

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wordsworth and Vaughan Essay -- Poetry Wordsworth Vaughan Essays

Wordsworth and Vaughan When perusing T.S. Eliot’s basic remark, â€Å"It is to be seen that the language of these artists is when in doubt straightforward and pure,† one may accept that he was alluding to the Romantics (Eliot 2328). In particular, we could apply this announcement to artists the kind of Wordsworth, who shunned beautiful gestures and â€Å"tricked out† language for suppositions that began and streamed normally (Wordsworth 270). However Eliot hadn’t centered his basic eye there, this time. Or maybe, he squinted a century back to a lesser-referenced scholarly gathering, the Metaphysical artists (Eliot 2328). That the Metaphysical writers and the Romantics share a distinctively basic/characteristic lingual authority is significant. While they are without a doubt unmistakable schools, on the off chance that we can show that they are even remotely elaborately comparable, at that point we may have grounds to recognize likenesses between an artist from each, individually . In this way, I propose thinking about Wordsworth corresponding to a previous man, Henry Vaughan. I am not the first to do as such; much has been said of the connection between these men with respect to their similar to sonnets â€Å"The Retreat† and â€Å"Ode: Intimations of Immortality†Ã¢â‚¬by looking at them I can't guarantee any unique understanding. In any case, there is more typical to these two men than two sonnets, and in breaking down what Wordsworth wants from verse and the writer in his â€Å"Preface to the Lyrical Ballads† we see that Vaughan had huge numbers of the beautiful characteristics Wordsworth requested of himself. Much all the more fascinating, Wordsworth's moved point of view from â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey† to the Elegiac Stanza reproduces Vaughan's day of work from To Amoret to The Night. Where Vaughan’s section initially tended to common love and regular ... ...h satisfaction, any place it be known,/Is to be felt sorry for; for ‘tis definitely blind† (lines 53-56). In these lines, Wordsworth at long last advice that the human world is really not so partially blind. Or maybe, when a man expect himself separate from mankindâ€when he fortifies that separationâ€he really blinds himself. So at last, the examination among Vaughan and Wordsworth isn't outright. In any case, figuring out the expressions of men who’ve been dead for quite a long time for proof of a scholarly relationship past insignificant occurrence is never and simple endeavor. Be that as it may, let us expect that, if Wordsworth was correct, both he and Vaughan shared all inclusive human encounters. Maybe, after arriving at a specific middle age, they likewise shared dread and wonderment of the states of their mortalityâ€and on the off chance that one may have looked to the other’s words for lovely direction, the beautiful class is better for it.

Personal Health Assessment Sample Essay Example For Students

Individual Health Assessment Sample Essay Through this paper I will reconsider the outcomes of the Self Assessment. this will let me to put each piece great as clarify which three of the six components of health are my most grounded. I will other than portray how I will better on the three staying measurements. Through this class I will perceive the modifications that should be made so as to better on my general health. Every one of the six components of health are basic to a people life and ought to be taken truly so as to take consideration of our natural structures. Incorporating each measurement to make a parity in our lives will take to improved mental each piece great as physical health. through social adjustments this sensitive parity can be accomplished. Endless supply of the Self Assessment refering to the six elements of health the outcomes have uncovered there are three measurements that I am most grounded in and three measurements that I have to better on. I am most grounded in Spiritual Health. Social Health. what's more, Emotional Health. I have to better on Environmental Health. Scholarly Health. furthermore, Physical Health. Strict wellbeing is related with how a single sees their picked confidence. the manner in which they take with the picked confidence. what's more, what they look like at life when all is said in done. I am solid in this measurement. This other than identifies with Social Health since both identify with how a single Acts of the Apostless towards others each piece great as how others act towards me. I do non connect to one particular composed confidence I do put stock in a higher force. I relate near the individuals I encircle myself with and the natural condition around me. Social Health is related with loaning to the network each piece great as the condition that is around every one of us. I feel this identifies with Spiritual Health other than. I identify with others great in cultural condition of affairss and am conscious of the earth around me. I attempt to populate in amicability with my locale each piece great as the earth. Passionate Health is related with how an individual perceives awareness and trustworthiness of their emotions. Enthusiastic Health fuses the evaluations to which a man deals with their emotions and practices. I am a genuinely steady individual. At the point when I am confronted with a passionate test I either work through it myself or talk in through with family unit or a companion. I regard my ain sentiments and enthusiastic alongside those of others. Ecological Health is related with worry for the earth, for example, litter tidy up and reusing. I do hold a worry for the earth. however, I do non make each piece much as I am able to do. I do try to reuse each piece great as to purchase stocks produced using reused components. be that as it may, I once in a while wind up to involve and connivence prevails upon me. I do populate on a sea shore and am effectively associated with ending sea shore dissolving and everyday tidy up of the sea shore. Scholarly Health is related with how a single procedures data each piece great as their inventiveness and other mental exercises. A part of Intellectual Health is accepting before you act and this is a nation I could better upon. I will in general move before I think when in an enthusiastic situation. Taking the clasp to accept through my responses will regard me in the great beyond. Physical Health is related with a people generally speaking wellbeing. Physical advancement includes eating a solid eating regimen that energizes nutritionary aspects. arraigning in customary physical action. achieving in general wellbeing. Physical Health other than relates to a people weight. their practicing degree. also, a people generally speaking wellbeing. I could better in this nation by eating more products of the soil and eating less pre bundled and sweet supplements. Building up a repast program and housing to it will help. I could other than apply on a normal balance rather than away and on as I have been over the mature ages. I have to take the clasp to think about myself so as to be around to think about others. .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 , .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .postImageUrl , .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 , .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:hover , .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:visited , .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:active { border:0!important; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:active , .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:hover { haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ufe17aa32a6a0 3a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ufe17aa32a6a03a0ae6a6f7c936eb19d3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Racial Profiling EssayThe the greater part of import conduct modification that I can improve myself is improve supplement picks and to apply efficiently. A man can be educated through social adjustments to larn another conduct each piece great as to stifle an old 1. Through social modifications a man can larn another wont, for example, practicing and doing astute supplement picks. Through this class I would wish to larn the instruments to modify my awful practices by making new 1s. Through new practices I can life a more beneficial way of life and be increasingly gainful at work each piece great similarly as with my family unit . The six components of health are basic to a people by and large wellbeing and felicity. Strict Health alludes to your confidence pick. Social Health alludes to your conveying achievements. Passionate Health alludes to how we manage sentiments and others around us. Scholarly Health alludes to our psychological exercises. what's more, Physical Health alludes to our wellbeing and way of life. Keeping these measurements in head will let a man to better their general great being. Notices Boucher. J. L. ( 2010. Spring ) . Supporting patients to do wellbeing conduct alterations.Diabetess Spectrum. 23 ( 2 ) . 85.Donatelle. R. J. ( 2010 ) . Access to wellbeing ( green erectile brokenness. ) . San Francisco. Calcium: Benjamin Cummings/Pearson Koelen. M. A. . A ; Lindstrom. B. ( 2005. August ) . Making sound picks simple picks: The capacity of approval. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 59 ( Sup ) . S10-S16. Kunderburk. J. S. . Defender. R. L. . DeMartini. K. S. . A ; Flynn. C. A. ( 2012 ) . Coordinating Behavioral Health Services Into a University Health Center: Patient and Provider Satisfaction. Families. Frameworks. A ; Health. doi:10. 1037/a0028378

Friday, August 21, 2020

Planning and Measuring Performance Essay

Arranging and Measuring Performance Planning and Measuring Performance This paper will talk about Hospital Corporation of America’s (HCA) objectives of accomplishing industry-driving execution in clinical and fulfillment gauges and selecting and utilizing doctors to address the issue for great wellbeing administrations (University of Oregon Investment Group, 2011). This paper will likewise examine which devices would be best in estimating the organization’s execution against the decided guidelines. The genuine principles that HCA would use to gauge the primary objective of accomplishing industry-driving execution in clinical and fulfillment measures are set by The Joint Commission. As indicated by Kicab Casta eda-Mendez (1999), accomplishing improved clinical execution and fulfillment measures requires execution quantifies in three territories: * To lead the whole association a specific way. * To deal with the assets expected to go toward this path. * To work the procedures that make the association work. As indicated by Kicab Casta eda-Mendez (1999), these measures are: * Strategicâ€to drive systems without hesitation and change the authoritative culture. * Diagnosticâ€to assess the adequacy of these activities and the degree of progress. * Operationalâ€to improve constantly. The best device to gauge these enhancements is benchmarking. Benchmarking against the top social insurance organizations will decide whether HCA is accomplishing industry-driving execution in clinical and fulfillment measures. Without benchmarking HCA couldn't decide whether the organization was coming out on top or in the event that they were at the base of hierarchical stepping stool. HCA’s objective of recruiting doctors to address the issue for top notch wellbeing administrations can be estimated by deciding the quantity of doctors need to suit the quantity of patients, deciding the claims to fame/sub-fortes the doctors are required in, just as estimating the consistency standard of the doctors. The Balanced Scorecard would best fit this objective. The Balanced Scorecard permits the organization to see the anticipated rates and the genuine rates of the estimations. It additionally enables the organization to perceive what should be altered and gives course for those changes. HCA can utilize benchmarking and the Balanced Scorecard to gauge the various parts of their objectives. HCA will likewise have the option to see the territories that need improvement and have some direction into rolling out these improvements. With these instruments HCA will have the option to cause a compelling to go at accomplishing their objectives. References University of Oregon Investment Group (May 6, 2011). Medical clinic Corporation of America. Recovered from http://uoinvestmentgroup. organization/wp-content/transfers/2011/05/HCA. pdf Casta eda-Mendez (1999). Execution Measurement in Healthcare. Recovered from http://www. qualitydigest. com/may99/html/body_health. html

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Signs Your Marriage is on The Rocks

Signs Your Marriage is on The Rocks Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print 5 Signs Your Marriage Is on the Rocks By Marni Feuerman Marni Feuerman is a psychotherapist in private practice who has been helping couples with marital issues for more than 27 years. Learn about our editorial policy Marni Feuerman Updated on February 15, 2020 PeopleImages / Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse In all relationships, marriage included, it is normal for couples to argue. But, how can you tell if the arguments that you are having are healthy or, rather, a sign of a poor relationship? Having many more negative interactions than positive ones may have you questioning your relationship. If you are already starting to wonder about the future of your marriage there are some ways to tell if there really is  a problem to worry about. 5 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Marriage Is in Trouble Here are five telling signs that will help you determine whether or not your marriage is on the rocks: Youre Talking, Not Communicating A relationship is also a partnership where both parties deserve to be heard. However, if you end up doing all of the listening while your partner does all of the talking, then it is time for you to speak up and make yourself heard. The same goes for your partner. Most importantly, you should make it to a point that you truly and actively listen to your partners grievances or worries. Be sincere. If either of you is not willing to listen or compromise, then it is a clear sign that your marriage may go down the tubes. You No Longer Respect Each Others Opinions and Ideas Communication plays a vital role in maintaining healthy relationships. ??You should feel free to talk with your partner about almost anything, and vice versa. If your partner is not willing to respect your opinions and ideas regarding crucial matters, then your marriage is in trouble. You will not want to continue in a relationship where you always have to set aside your own ideas just for the sake of pleasing your partner. On the flip side, do you believe your spouse is not worthy of respect because of their values or behavior? The core of good communication patterns that promote intimacy between couples involves the safe and open communication of deep thoughts and emotions, not the stifling of ideas that leads to reactivity or superficiality.?? And a good relationship has mutual respect.   Youre Spending Less Time Together Gone are those days when both of you enjoyed every bit of time that you spent together. Now, you are beginning to feel that something has changed, and it is not feeling good. What is even more alarming is if you enjoy being with your friends more than being with your partner. This issue may stem from a variety of factors, but it is a definite sign that something is wrong. Your connection with your spouse is of the utmost importance to keeping your relationship going. Youre Starting to Have Doubts About Whether You Married the Right One Are you having doubts about your feelings for your spouse? Are you often bothered by the thought that you made a mistake agreeing to spend the rest of your life with this person? If this is the case, it is definitely time to rethink and reassess your relationship. If certain personality traits of your partner that you once adored are now driving you insane, your marriage is in the danger zone. Neither of You Is Willing to Put in Extra Effort to Make It Work As the popular saying goes, It takes two to tango. Thus, you and your partner must ensure that you are both putting an equal amount of effort into making your relationship work. If you do your part, and your partner does not even act like he or she is willing to put in the required effort, then you may be headed toward “Splitsville.”   Your marriage is like a plant.  It needs a lot of care, attention, and nurturing in order to thrive and grow.  If you notice some of these warning signs in your own relationship, it is time to take a risk and discuss your fears in a heartfelt way with your partner.  If you still have difficulty getting back on solid ground, perhaps it is time to seek professional counseling to improve your relationship.   How to Know if You Need Marriage Counseling

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Randomized Controlled Trial - Free Essay Example

Critical Appraisal about RCT There are few studies which have been developed in regard to the balance training aimed at the improvement of the elderly persons mobility and wellbeing who are affected by balance problems. The article presents a study which demonstrates a program on training on balance improvement spanning for a period of six weeks. The program proved to be quite beneficial in the progress of functional balance and static mobility and lowering the older persons fall frequencies (basically those having problems with balance). In the study, the progress based on the objective of functional balance was established by the improvement in the score of BBS as recorded in the ultimate appraisal for the cluster handed over to the team of interventionists. The same outcomes were recorded in the research done by Melzer et al. whereby the balance training program patient participants recorded a progress of 64 percent within a period of three months. The authors of this article demonstrated that the cluster which undertook the balance training program showed an improved performance. Such programs which put emphasis on balance training are more effective in the improvement of balance than those which consisted of primary aerobics, strengthening of muscles and exercises aimed at improving flexibility. Even though evaluating the effectiveness of different exercise forms is a complex venture, results show that balance training has proved to be of much benefit with near zero probability of risks. In studies of the same ki nd by Carter et al. an improvement was recorded on static balance when using muscle strength instead of balance training, however, the improvement was only on 6.3 percent of the patients. Therefore, the methodology used in the article proposes that balance training eventually points to an apparent progressive outcome than it does in muscle strength training. Relative to the functional mobility, there was an improvement which was demonstrated by a decline in the patients handed over to the intervention team. The relevance of these results are undoubted since from the research, compromised mobility led to an increase in the risk-dependency at an approximate of three to fivefold in the daily activities. This is not a surprise basing on the fact that unaided mobility is an essential daily life component processes of every individual. Mobility dependency may result in confinement and reduced quality of human wellbeing and existence. Having good balance and gait is considered essential for the mobility improvement and aids in preventing falls. Alongside improvement in a functional evaluation, this methodology recorded an improvement based on the observed reduced fall frequency. Even though the impact of exercise in reducing the frequency of fall is not proved in this study, there are a number of studies which show that the risk can be reduced 40 percent through physical activity (Barnett et al., 2003). Similarly, in the accord to reduce the frequency of falls for the affected persons, the distinct form of exercises which are endorsed for the prevention of falls are the ones specifically target balance training. A number of studies showing balance and mobility improvement have presented results in their exercise which are similar to the current study. This is a suggestion that the exercise programs intensity and content possibly will be more significant than other variables in this intervention. Additionally, the variances in the adjudication of the exercise program, the specialized experiences of the participants of the pr ogram, the setting of the sessions and whether the exercises were carried out in a group setting or realized at an individual level are all the considerations which impact on the exercise programs success. A very significant aspect of achievement illustrated in the study is the adherence to all the considerations as stated. In contrast with the study carried out by Forcan et al.s statement that the adherence in the implementation program among the participating elderly persons is not sufficient. In this study, the methodology was effective as witnessed with almost half of the participants present at all the sessions of the program. This outcome as illustrated by the paper have similarities with other studies showing a 97percent measure of adherence. The attainment in adherence in this paper is possibly owed to the context where the sessions were carried out, from the social interaction to close relationship between the service providers and the patients an environment which was pleasant for both the patients and the psychotherapists. Basically, the feeling of isolation was reduced by the secure environment, supervised sessions and the opportunity for close interactions. A system of so cial backing is deliberated as necessary in group exercises as well as helping in sustaining adherence and the efficacy of the programs sessions together with the adherence to the outdoor and indoor exercise programs. Robitaille et al. in a similar study illustrated that the exercise programs which were done in groups recorded improved performance in balance of the elderly. Another important factor was the application of structured manual guidelines and instructions for the realization of the effectiveness of the indoor and outdoor exercises, which added up to the endurance and the adherence to the performed exercises. Each and every exercise session was under the prescription of a psychotherapist who additionally gave adequate support to the patient. In some studies similar to this, illustrated and descriptive pamphlets have been used to as a complement to home-based exercise programs which have had positive outcomes. The positive outcomes which are recorded in this study could also be associated with the state of health of the recruited persons who participated in the program. In this study, the participants were enrolled from the set of individuals at the multidisciplinary falls clinic who had the problems of concern to the study. All of them were put through a comprehensive medical assessment based on the consistent protocol where the potential fact ors for falls were put into concern. Among this were the neurological disorders, locomotor disorders, cardiovascular disorders and examination of any predisposing factor to falls. Inclusion was done if there was a continued balance problem subsequent to significant management of the probable predisposing factors, well-known as a Berg Balance Scale (BBS) score not exceeding forty-five. The amputees were also excluded in the study since this was a disability which could not be reversed through exercise. According to Buchner et al., exercises have beneficial impacts on the health of the elderly and on the risk of falls in some of this group of persons in the society. The physical, as well as the psychological impacts recorded due to regularity in conducting the periods and the environmental setting, need not be undermined. The motivation and the demonstrated aptitude in transitions from one level to another, as a result, helps in maintaining interest during the performance of the exercises and safe practice in groups. Even though there was no use of the laboratory or biomedical equipment to validate the obtained effects, it is still able to prove this through reproducible and reliable tests and scales which are able to measure the success extents of all the trainings performed in every session under the supervision of the psychotherapists and complemented by the outdoor exercises. Furthermore, the reliability of the results is evidenced by the positive improvement of both the static and functional movement and balance, and lessening falls of the frequency in the affected persons. Moreover, ordinary clinical psychotherapists possessing equal exp erience and grade, who were under the guidance of a written protocol were responsible for the treatment of patients both in the CT and the EBT groups. These protocols clearly how the individual exercises in both the CT and EBT groups were performed. These protocols were in adherence to the national guidelines advocated for by the Chartered Society of Psychotherapists. In addition to the protocols, a comprehensive explanation and practical therapeutic demonstration were performed in order to orient the participating therapists on what ought to be done and the key contrasting elements between the two interventions. In a similar case, this study was effective since it addresses both the physical and mental facets of remedying mobility and balance. For the treatment sessions which lasted for periods not exceeding forty-five minutes, there was a session dedicated for discussions on the behaviors and strategies which need to be used to avoid fall as well as those for dealing with a long time spent on the floor. The participants were also given instructions on how to get up from the floor after a fall. Even though the same therapists could offer both physical and psychological remedies, the effectiveness of the methodology was ensured by avoiding crossover effects which might have been caused by therapists crossover. Even though the reports of improvement are undoubted, the observations show that there needs to be an address on the important matters on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the interventions in diseases which are more chronic than the ones considered in the study. The first one is related to the appropriate selection of measures of outcome; what is more important to patients might be their increased confidence and wellbeing rather than the measures based on diseases, and doing so need to complement indicators on specific diseases such as speed in mobility or BBS in scientific perspective. More often than not, falls hardly ever end causing fatal injuries, rather, the victims lose confidence in themselves, reduce their mobility, because of depression and eventually leading to increased dependence. For this study, EBT recorded better results than CT thereby raising the question justifiability on whether to offer a different form of treatment based on the increased wellbeing and pati ents confidence, even though there is lack of objective evidence to confirm the reliability of such interventions. In conclusion, this study affirms that the exercise programs aimed at improving patients balance and mobility are beneficial regardless of the applied strategy. Nonetheless, the reported stability, lifes quality, increased mobility speed and increased confidence recorded a higher improvement in patients receiving EBT which a suggestion that the two approaches illustrated by the authors were significantly distinct in terms of their influence on the quality of life of the patient and confidence, therefore, more investigation needs to be done. References Barnett, A., Smith, B., Lord, S.R., Williams, M. and Baumand, A., 2003. Community based group exercise improves balance and reduces falls in at risk older people: a randomised controlled trial. Age and ageing, 32(4), pp.407-414. Buchner, D.M., Cress, M.E., De Lateur, B.J., Esselman, P.C., Margherita, A.J., Price, R. and Wagner, E.H., 1997. The effect of strength and endurance training on gait, balance, fall risk, and health services use in community-living older adults. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 52(4), pp.M218-M224. Carter, N.D., Khan, K.M., McKay, H.A., Petit, M.A., Waterman, C., Heinonen, A., Janssen, P.A., Donaldson, M.G., Mallinson, A., Riddell, L. and Kruse, K., 2002. Community-based exercise program reduces risk factors for falls in 65-to 75-year-old women with osteoporosis: randomized controlled trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 167(9), pp.997-1004. Forkan, R., Pumper, B., Smyth, N., Wirkkala, H., Ciol, M.A. and Shumway-Cook, A., 2006. Exercise adherence following physical therapy intervention in older adults with impaired balance. Physical therapy, 86(3), pp.401-410. Melzer, I., Benjuya, N. and Kaplanski, J., 2005. Effect of physical training on postural control of elderly. Harefuah, 144(12), pp.839-44. Robitaille, Y., Laforest, S., Fournier, M., Gauvin, L., Parisien, M., Corriveau, H., Trickey, F. and Damestoy, N., 2005. Moving forward in fall prevention: an intervention to improve balance among older adults in real-world settings. American journal of public health, 95(11), pp.2049-2056.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Should Same Sex Couples Be Legal - 906 Words

Homosexual Parents Through the years homosexual people have made great improvements in society. Laws are changing and homosexuals are getting recognition for their choices. With the new laws and improvements come criticism. No matter what the topic is there is always going to be two sides, positive and negative. The creation of the LGBTQ community has brought awareness for those who are a part of the community and helped society be more comfortable with the changes brought on by the community. With marriage between same sex couples becoming legal in more and more states, couples are trying to adopt or using other alternatives to having children of their own. Though that does not mean that same sex couples did not have children before they were legally allowed to be married. There is criticism about whether or not same sex couples should be parents and both sides have quite the following and are ambivalent in their opinions. There are different ways for same sex couples to have childr en. The first is to adopt a child. There are two general types of adoption: a closed adoption, where there is no contact with between the birth family and the adoptive family, and an open adoption, where there is some association between the birth family and adoptive family. There are other types of adoption that are more specific to what a person wants such as international adoption, infant adoption and adopting a foster child (Types of Adoptions). The process of adopting for same sex couplesShow MoreRelatedShould Marriage for Same Sex Couples be Legal in United States?1220 Words   |  5 Pagesrecent debate over same-sex marriage has stirred a nationwide debate reverberating in the halls of Congress, at the White House, in dozens of state courtrooms and legislatures, and is also becoming a speech-making topic for election campaigns at both the national and state levels. As the debate for this controversial topic rages on, the American religious community view on the topic remains deeply divided over the matter and over the morality of homosexuality in general. Granting legal marriage rightRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Is The Legal Union Essay1562 Words   |  7 Pagesstudent? Click here to access FREE course materials and tests. Products ï‡ ³Home ï‡ ¶Research ï‡ µDrive ï‡ ´Answers About Company Legal Site Map Contact Advertise ï‡ º ï‡ ¼ ï‡ ½  ©2015 StudyMode.com Home Same-sex marriage Same Sex Marriage Same Sex Marriage Civil union, Homosexuality, Marriage By kwhite89 Mar 16, 2015 1510 Words 56 Views More info ï„” PDFRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legal Defense And Education Fund Supports Same Sex Marriage?1085 Words   |  5 Pagesone of which is legalizing same-sex marriage. In their article, â€Å"Talking About the Freedom to Marry: Why Same-Sex Couples Should Have Equality in Marriage,† the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund supports same-sex marriage. An opposing view, is given by Robert P. George, a Princeton University professor. In his article, â€Å"The 28th Amendment: It Is Time to Protect Marriage, and Democracy, in America,† he explains why he is against same-sex marriage. The Lambda Legal Defense and Education FundRead MoreMarriage Law : The Legal Union Of A Couple As Spouses1642 Words   |  7 PagesMarriage is defined as the legal union of a couple as spouses. The elements of marriage include: (1) the parties legal ability to marry each other, (2) mutual consent of the parties and (3) a marriage contract as required by law. (Legal Information Institute, 2014, n.d.). In the United States, marriage law is regulated by the individual state. Standards such as age, residency, relation, mental capacity, and gender are requirements regulated on a state-by-state basis. Until recent changes, the DefenseRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1348 Words   |  6 Pagesmarriage i.e. tax benefits and legal decision making benefits. The big controversy facing the United States today is that socially and religiously many people feel that same sex marriages are unacceptable and these couples should not be given the same rights as heterosexual couples. Same sex marriage should be legalized because same sex couples should have the same benefits as heterosexual couples, their children can benefit from the benefits of legally married couples, and it will economically andRead More Same-sex Marriage Should be Legal Essay1000 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex Marriage Should be Legal    I do. These two simple words have the power change lives in an instant. For most people, the phrase conjures up images of a man and a woman being joined in marriage. But for gays and lesbians, having the chance to legally say I do is a far-off dream, not a reality. In many European countries, marriages between same-sex couples are federally recognized, but unions of American homosexuals still go unrecognized by the United States government. Same-sexRead MoreTaking a Look at Same-Sex Marriage938 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriage is against the law and against the moral standards of the religious society. In this paper I will sympathize with the homosexual community in order to improve their views on marriage. First amendment of the Constitution protects and makes homosexuality legal. Marriage is also legal. Marriage laws and the rights that fall under marriage are defined and upheld by the states. Should same-sex marriage remain illegal? Homosexuals believe rights guarante ed to married heterosexual couplesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1475 Words   |  6 PagesSame sex relationships relate to when a man or woman are attracted to someone of the same gender of themselves. It is being rejected as same gender marriage denies the obvious purpose between a man and a women which is procreation (Richardson-Self, 2012). Denying same sex couples the legal right to get married, could mean that they are being denied their basic human rights to enjoy human benefits (Richardson-Self, 2012). However, the opposing view is that if gay marriage was granted the legal rightsRead More Gay and Lesbian Issues - Homosexual Couples Must Be Allowed to Marry798 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexual Couples Must Be Allowed to Marry I do. Two simple words that can change lives. For most people, the phrase conjures up images of a man and a woman being joined in marriage. But for gays and lesbians, having the chance to legally say I do is a far-off dream, not a reality. For years in other countries, same-sex couples have had their marriages federally recognized, but the unions of American homosexuals still go unrecognized by the United States government. Same-sex marriagesRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legal?778 Words   |  3 PagesShould Gay Marriage Be Legal? â€Å"†¦I now pronounce you husband and wife†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One would normally hear this when attending a wedding. In tradition marriage has been between one male and one female who love each other. But how would one feel if they heard â€Å"I now pronounce you groom and groom† or how about â€Å"†¦bride and bride...†? In the last 50 years the number of same-sex couples has increased. The on-going argument between the government and the people is â€Å"Should gay marriage be legal?† Although some say

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Invention Is the Mother of Necessities - 1649 Words

Module 1 - Background Invention is the mother of necessities.† - Marshall McLuhan Questions We Ask Ourselves Marshall McLuhan s saying, Invention is the mother of necessities, is an example of wit. How is it witty? What is the original saying? You need wit to think about technology, for wit demands creative thinking. And once you start thinking creatively, you start to see the effect of technology on us all. The usual saying is, Necessity is the mother of invention. That makes sense: right now, for example, the world may be running out of oil, and as a result, the necessity of finding a new energy supply will lead to new inventions. Hence the necessity (need for energy) is the mother of invention. But McLuhan says that†¦show more content†¦Our seeing and hearing have been extended. So what part of us is therefore natural, and what part is technology? Technology affects our very identity. Another definition of technology is the innovation, change, or modification of the natural environment to satisfy perceived human needs and wants. We can change nature. That is also important, both in itself and how we see ourselves. Technology began by helping cave dwellers cope with the environment, but now it can change that environment. So we see that technology has a profound effect on us because it: 1. Affects our personal identity by extending our natural capabilities. 2. Changes the natural environment to suit us. These are huge, huge, effects. Technology is definitely something we should think about, for it affects everything around us and even in us. But we will first have to focus on how we will discuss technology in the course. Inventions as Gales of Creative Destruction A major concept in this course would be Joseph Schumpeter s concept of gales of creative destruction that sweep through economies. How does this concept relate to technology? What exactly are the gales?Show MoreRelatedThomas Alva Edison and His Contribution to the World866 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the 19th century the inventions of useable electricity, steel, and natural gas products led to a second industrial revolution (1865–1900), which featured the growth of transportation as well as faster and wider means of communication. The 19th century was the age of developing machine tools along with interchangeable parts. The assembly line was also invented during the 19th century, speeding up the manufacturing of products in factories. Inventors began to design practical internal combustionRead MoreTechnology is Eden Essay676 Words   |  3 PagesMcLuhans statement that â€Å"Invention is the mother of necessities† is very true. This is because if it were not for tech nology our work would not be as efficient or productive. New technologies and innovations became our necessities and we cannot live without them now that they have been introduced in our lives. Invention is a gale of creative destruction, and those gales lead to changes in the economy and then in society. Old inventions are being replaced by new inventions that are easier to use andRead MoreHistory Has Always Revolved Around Technological Advances.1249 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age, new technologies followed under the old proverb â€Å"Necessity is the mother of invention† because each development was created for a purpose. From early tools and rock carvings to housing, pottery, and writing each invention was historically significant and could contribute to a connection to survival. During the Paleolithic time, many technological inventions were created, each with a necessary purpose. From 130,000 to 10,000 BCE, also referred to as theRead MoreA Utopian Society By John Locke1257 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause it connotes that the father is the only parent involved in the parenting of his children. In contrast, Locke believes that the term parental power indicates that the mother has a power equal to that of the father in the parenting of their children. By making this distinction, John Locke alludes to the importance of both the mother and the father having an equal power in the parenting of their children. Furthermore, John Locke discusses the obligation of children to honor their parents. When explainingRead MoreMarketing Determining Needs and Wants and Satisfying Them, Not Creating Needs and Wants955 Words   |  4 Pagesthem. If you agree with the second assertion, can you name 5 products or services that have as being new to the market, flashing back 15 y ears ago? ____________ It is once said that necessity is the mother of all invention. Necessity is defined as â€Å"an imperative requirement or need for something†. Thus, inventions, including products and services, are invented or produced as they are borne out of that certain imperative need. Related to marketing, the imperative need is a perceived opportunityRead MoreBiography of Thomas Edison Essay1341 Words   |  6 PagesThomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous inventors. He saw many changes take place in his lifetime. His inventions were responsible for many of those changes. Some of his inventions were the telephone, the light bulb, the movie projector, and the phonograph. These inventions contributed to modern day, lights, movies, telephones, records and CDs. When Edison was born, there was no such thing as electricity, but by the time he died entireRead MoreEssay about Technology in Forsters The Machine Stops739 Words   |  3 Pagesour world would become larger for a while. The miles shortened by email would lengthen due to postage delivery. The nanosecond returns to a minute, and memory would be placed back in photo albums and diaries. All changes would be temporary until necessity, and personal desire would lead the way to new technology. In the end, one truth stands; with technology comes great responsibility. The Machine Stops (Forster, 1909), contrasts in two main characters approach technology y. Vashti impatient withRead MoreEssay on Inventions and Discoveries of the 1960’s1605 Words   |  7 PagesInventions and Discoveries of the 1960’s The 1960’s era was a time period notorious for its technology and innovation. This particular era of time was booming with creativity. People started to venture outside of the traditional mindset established by their elders, and the new generation made a great impact on the American lifestyle. The original models of these creations have been modified into complex designs, yet as we strive for perfection, we still use these revolutionary concepts. LikeRead MoreGuns, Germs, and Steel Study Questions Essay754 Words   |  4 PagesBorrowed Letters 23.What do the following terms mean: blueprint copying and idea diffusion? 24.Why did kings want to limit writing to the elites? CHAPTER 13 : Necessitys Mother 25. How does Diamond feel about the old adage, Necessity is the mother of invention? 26.Whatare the 4 factors that affect societal acceptance of an invention? 27 . What are the 4 vehicles of diffusion (ways that ideas or items move) (top of page 256)? 28. Why did Japan lose gun technology? 29 . Why did leading a sedentary lifestyleRead MoreGreek Alphabet981 Words   |  4 PagesMany scholars have yet to prove the origin of Greek alphabet. However, one fact is for certain: the origin of Greek alphabet does not mean the origin of the writing system to the Greek language. Not a completely new â€Å"invention,† the Greek alphabet is undoubtedly from a script that the Semitic peoples of Levantine coast used. Originally fashioned by ethnic Phoenician groups, the source alphabet is connected to the Ugaritic groups of writing systems that developed around the city of Ugarit (Powell

Sunday, May 10, 2020

10 Myths and Misconceptions About Bedbugs

There are many misconceptions about the humble bedbug. Bedbugs (or cimicids) belong to a highly specialized family of insects that feed off the blood of humans, bats, and birds. The best-known members are the temperate-climate parasite Cimex lectularius (which means bedbug in Latin) and Cimex hemipterus, a tropical version. Bedbugs are the most widely recognized insect in the world. They are known to have fed on humans for more than 4,000 years—and probably much longer. Unfortunately, there are many myths about these tiny pests. If You Wake Up With Insect Bites, You Have Bedbugs Bedbugs tend to bite on locations that are exposed during sleep—the arms, legs, and back as well as the face and eyes. The insects prefer sites that lack hair, with a thin epidermis that provides access to plentiful blood. However, bedbugs are not the only nocturnal feeder on humans. Quite a few other arthropods could be the cause of bite marks, including fleas, mites, spiders, or even bat bugs. Also, many medical conditions cause rashes that look similar to bug bites. If the marks persist but you dont find signs of an infestation, consider a trip to the doctor. Are you the only one in your household waking up with bites? People react to bedbug bites differently, just as they do with mosquito and other insect bites. Two people can sleep on the same bedbug-infested mattress, and one will wake up without any signs of being bitten while the other will be covered in bite marks. Bedbugs Cannot Be Seen by the Naked Eye While bedbugs are pretty small insects, they arent microscopic. If you know where to look for them, you can definitely see them without the aid of a magnifier. The bedbug nymph is roughly the size of a poppy seed. Adults measure a bit larger than 1/8th of an inch, or about the size of an apple seed or a lentil. The eggs, which are just the size of a pinhead, are harder to see without magnification. Bedbug Infestations Are Rare Although bedbugs all but disappeared in developed countries in the 1930s and again in the 1980s, global bedbug infestations are increasing in the 21st century. Rises in bedbug activity have been seen on every continent except Antarctica. In the United States, bedbugs are reported in all 50 states, and an estimated one in five Americans either has had a bedbug infestation in their home or knows someone who has. Today, infestations are found in offices and retail environments, in health and transportation buildings, and even in movie houses: basically, anywhere people sleep or sit. Bedbugs Are a Sign of a Dirty House Although there is a great social stigma to having a bedbug infestation, bedbugs dont care how neat and tidy your house is, nor do they care if youre the best housekeeper on the block. As long as you have blood pumping through your veins, bedbugs will happily take up residence in your home. The same rule holds true for hotels and resorts. Whether a hotel has bedbugs has nothing to do with how clean or dirty the establishment is. Even a five-star resort can host bedbugs. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that clutter can make it much more difficult to get rid of bedbugs once theyre in your home—the mess gives the insects plenty of places to hide. Bedbugs Only Bite After Dark While bedbugs prefer to do their dirty work under cover of darkness, the light wont stop a hungry bedbug from biting you. In desperation, some people will try leaving all their lights on at night, hoping the bedbugs will stay hidden like cockroaches. All this will do is make you more sleep-deprived. Bedbugs spend most of their time hidden away. They only come out to feed once every three to seven days, usually from one to five a.m. They fully engorge themselves on your blood in 10 to 20 minutes, and then they go back to their hiding places to digest their food. After a meal, adult bedbugs may increase in length by 30 to 50 percent and in weight by 150 to 200 percent. Bedbugs Live in Mattresses Bedbugs do hide in the seams and crevices of your mattress. Since these nocturnal insects feed on your blood, it is to their advantage to live close to the place where you spend the night. But that doesnt mean bedbugs only live in mattresses. The insects also inhabit carpets and couches, dressers and closets, and even places where youd never think to look, such as inside picture frames and switch plate covers. Infestations can be extremely costly, resulting in multimillion-dollar damage in the hospitality industry, poultry industry, and private and communal households. Costs include payment for pest control, damage to social reputation, and replacement of infested clothing and furniture. You Can Feel a Bedbug Bite Bedbug saliva contains a substance that serves as a mild anesthetic, so when one bites you, it actually does you the favor of numbing your skin first. Its very unlikely that youd ever feel a bedbug bite when it happens. Reactions to bites vary from individual to individual. Some people have no reactions at all; often the bites start out as small indistinct lesions about two-tenths of an inch in diameter, which may develop into larger circular or ovoid welts. Some may grow as big as 2.5 inches in diameter. If there are a large number of bites, they can give the appearance of a generalized rash. They itch intensely, cause sleep deprivation, and can be associated with secondary bacterial infections as a consequence of scratching. Bedbugs Jump From the Floor to Your Bed Bedbugs arent built  for jumping. They simply dont have the legs for it as fleas and grasshoppers do. Bedbugs dont have wings, either, so they cant fly. They can only crawl for locomotion, so moving from the floor to the bed requires them to climb up a leg of the bed, or to scale belongings or furniture youve placed nearby. This can work to your advantage if youre battling bedbugs, as you can create barriers to keep them from climbing onto your bed. Cover the bed legs in double-sided tape, or place them in trays of water. Of course, if your bedspread touches the floor, the bedbugs will still be able to climb up, and the insects have also been known to crawl up the wall to the ceiling and then drop onto the bed. Bedbugs Transmit Diseases to People Although bedbugs can and do carry infectious diseases, there is little danger of the viruses being transmitted to humans. So far, scientists have found no evidence that bedbugs are capable of transmitting diseases to human hosts. For this reason, theyre considered a nuisance pest rather than a health threat. But even though they dont transmit diseases, bedbugs arent harmless. Some people experience severe allergic reactions to bedbug bites, and people who are bitten sometimes suffer from secondary infections. The emotional stress of dealing with a persistent bedbug infestation can also have a negative impact on your health. Bedbugs Can Survive a Year Without a Meal Technically, this is true. Under the right conditions, bedbugs have been known to survive as long as a year without a meal. Bedbugs, like all insects, are cold-blooded, so when temperatures drop, their body temperatures decrease. If it gets cold enough, bedbug metabolism will slow down, and theyll stop eating temporarily. However, it is highly unlikely that it would ever get cold enough in your home to trigger such a long period of inactivity. For practical purposes, then, this statement is false. At normal room temperature, a bedbug might go as long as two to three months without a meal, but thats about it. 10 Myths and Misconceptions About Bedbugs There are many misconceptions about the humble bedbug. Bedbugs (or cimicids) belong to a highly specialized family of insects that feed off the blood of humans, bats, and birds. The best-known members are the temperate-climate parasite Cimex lectularius (which means bedbug in Latin) and Cimex hemipterus, a tropical version. Bedbugs are the most widely recognized insect in the world. They are known to have fed on humans for more than 4,000 years—and probably much longer. Unfortunately, there are many myths about these tiny pests. If You Wake Up With Insect Bites, You Have Bedbugs Bedbugs tend to bite on locations that are exposed during sleep—the arms, legs, and back as well as the face and eyes. The insects prefer sites that lack hair, with a thin epidermis that provides access to plentiful blood. However, bedbugs are not the only nocturnal feeder on humans. Quite a few other arthropods could be the cause of bite marks, including fleas, mites, spiders, or even bat bugs. Also, many medical conditions cause rashes that look similar to bug bites. If the marks persist but you dont find signs of an infestation, consider a trip to the doctor. Are you the only one in your household waking up with bites? People react to bedbug bites differently, just as they do with mosquito and other insect bites. Two people can sleep on the same bedbug-infested mattress, and one will wake up without any signs of being bitten while the other will be covered in bite marks. Bedbugs Cannot Be Seen by the Naked Eye While bedbugs are pretty small insects, they arent microscopic. If you know where to look for them, you can definitely see them without the aid of a magnifier. The bedbug nymph is roughly the size of a poppy seed. Adults measure a bit larger than 1/8th of an inch, or about the size of an apple seed or a lentil. The eggs, which are just the size of a pinhead, are harder to see without magnification. Bedbug Infestations Are Rare Although bedbugs all but disappeared in developed countries in the 1930s and again in the 1980s, global bedbug infestations are increasing in the 21st century. Rises in bedbug activity have been seen on every continent except Antarctica. In the United States, bedbugs are reported in all 50 states, and an estimated one in five Americans either has had a bedbug infestation in their home or knows someone who has. Today, infestations are found in offices and retail environments, in health and transportation buildings, and even in movie houses: basically, anywhere people sleep or sit. Bedbugs Are a Sign of a Dirty House Although there is a great social stigma to having a bedbug infestation, bedbugs dont care how neat and tidy your house is, nor do they care if youre the best housekeeper on the block. As long as you have blood pumping through your veins, bedbugs will happily take up residence in your home. The same rule holds true for hotels and resorts. Whether a hotel has bedbugs has nothing to do with how clean or dirty the establishment is. Even a five-star resort can host bedbugs. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that clutter can make it much more difficult to get rid of bedbugs once theyre in your home—the mess gives the insects plenty of places to hide. Bedbugs Only Bite After Dark While bedbugs prefer to do their dirty work under cover of darkness, the light wont stop a hungry bedbug from biting you. In desperation, some people will try leaving all their lights on at night, hoping the bedbugs will stay hidden like cockroaches. All this will do is make you more sleep-deprived. Bedbugs spend most of their time hidden away. They only come out to feed once every three to seven days, usually from one to five a.m. They fully engorge themselves on your blood in 10 to 20 minutes, and then they go back to their hiding places to digest their food. After a meal, adult bedbugs may increase in length by 30 to 50 percent and in weight by 150 to 200 percent. Bedbugs Live in Mattresses Bedbugs do hide in the seams and crevices of your mattress. Since these nocturnal insects feed on your blood, it is to their advantage to live close to the place where you spend the night. But that doesnt mean bedbugs only live in mattresses. The insects also inhabit carpets and couches, dressers and closets, and even places where youd never think to look, such as inside picture frames and switch plate covers. Infestations can be extremely costly, resulting in multimillion-dollar damage in the hospitality industry, poultry industry, and private and communal households. Costs include payment for pest control, damage to social reputation, and replacement of infested clothing and furniture. You Can Feel a Bedbug Bite Bedbug saliva contains a substance that serves as a mild anesthetic, so when one bites you, it actually does you the favor of numbing your skin first. Its very unlikely that youd ever feel a bedbug bite when it happens. Reactions to bites vary from individual to individual. Some people have no reactions at all; often the bites start out as small indistinct lesions about two-tenths of an inch in diameter, which may develop into larger circular or ovoid welts. Some may grow as big as 2.5 inches in diameter. If there are a large number of bites, they can give the appearance of a generalized rash. They itch intensely, cause sleep deprivation, and can be associated with secondary bacterial infections as a consequence of scratching. Bedbugs Jump From the Floor to Your Bed Bedbugs arent built  for jumping. They simply dont have the legs for it as fleas and grasshoppers do. Bedbugs dont have wings, either, so they cant fly. They can only crawl for locomotion, so moving from the floor to the bed requires them to climb up a leg of the bed, or to scale belongings or furniture youve placed nearby. This can work to your advantage if youre battling bedbugs, as you can create barriers to keep them from climbing onto your bed. Cover the bed legs in double-sided tape, or place them in trays of water. Of course, if your bedspread touches the floor, the bedbugs will still be able to climb up, and the insects have also been known to crawl up the wall to the ceiling and then drop onto the bed. Bedbugs Transmit Diseases to People Although bedbugs can and do carry infectious diseases, there is little danger of the viruses being transmitted to humans. So far, scientists have found no evidence that bedbugs are capable of transmitting diseases to human hosts. For this reason, theyre considered a nuisance pest rather than a health threat. But even though they dont transmit diseases, bedbugs arent harmless. Some people experience severe allergic reactions to bedbug bites, and people who are bitten sometimes suffer from secondary infections. The emotional stress of dealing with a persistent bedbug infestation can also have a negative impact on your health. Bedbugs Can Survive a Year Without a Meal Technically, this is true. Under the right conditions, bedbugs have been known to survive as long as a year without a meal. Bedbugs, like all insects, are cold-blooded, so when temperatures drop, their body temperatures decrease. If it gets cold enough, bedbug metabolism will slow down, and theyll stop eating temporarily. However, it is highly unlikely that it would ever get cold enough in your home to trigger such a long period of inactivity. For practical purposes, then, this statement is false. At normal room temperature, a bedbug might go as long as two to three months without a meal, but thats about it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women s Dependency During World War I - 1654 Words

Women have always had a very trivial role in the United States’ society. Women have been devoiced for centuries. One important reason being that there was a lack of women s dependency in society. During World War I women’s dependency society had increased tremendously. Women stepped up to maintain the work of their husband, brothers and fathers who were soldiers in the Great War. The United States was reluctant to go into war for three reasons. The United States felt that by staying neutral that the United States would have a great economic increase, the war would cause a separation between the immigrants of the United States, and the United States did not want European powers to feel they could interfere with the United States affairs†¦show more content†¦At the time war was a priority. Women noticed the United States vulnerability and felt that the war was the best time to speak up for their rights and to prove to society that they are as dependable as men a re. Women became more dependent in society and less available for their children at home. Conscription: Woodrow Wilson, president during World War I, believed greatly in moral diplomacy. World War I had started in August of 1914. The United States had not officially entered into World War I until April 6, 1917. Neutrality was a good call from Wilson, but when President Wilson decides to send private bank loans to the Allied Alliances during World War I, and began to sell less of the United States products to Germany and Austria-Hungary, it was pretty evident that the United States would join the side of the Allied Alliances. There are many different people that had inhabited the United States up until this point. There are people from all over the world that came to the United States to start a new life. This diversity of location meant that there were many diverse opinions. There were those who agreed with President Wilson that the United States should join the war against the Central Alliances because the Allied Alliances seemed more morally correct in the sense of going into war, a nd there

On North Korea’s refusal to give up its nukes Free Essays

About whether or not North Korea’s nuclear arms program and development capabilities are substantial to be regarded as a threat. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, it seems that the communist state has no plans of letting go of its arsenal, despite numerous calls and threats of sanctions from other countries, like the United States, Japan and China. Since North Korea is a very poor country, posting resistance to the world powerhouses does not appear to be the most   prudent choice, especially since the government needs to maintain congenial relationships with its trade partners to stay afloat. We will write a custom essay sample on On North Korea’s refusal to give up its nukes or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, it appears that Kim Jong Il has a more important and higher end in mind. Thus, we present this question: What factors explain North Korea’s vehement and continued resistance to calls for the discontinuation of its nuclear weapons program? The North Korean nuclear weapons program was established in the 1960s under the assistance of the then-power USSR. Unfortunately, its nuke plans were doused in the wake of the Cold War, particularly following the decline of the Soviet powerr. This did not stop North Korea from pursuing its goal, developing and launching the 20-megawatt thermal reactor in 1986. Nobody really knew to what extent North Korea’s nuke capabilities had reached, but intelligence analysts had estimated that the country had enough plutonium to make several warheads. How much, nobody could say — and the mystery had started to become a cause for alarm. So, when they finally declared that they, indeed, have weapons of mass destruction, the international community thought it best to intervene. Has the US lost its credibility as a key world force in this situation? For North Korea, perhaps. The fact that the US was found to have manipulated intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq had made observers dubious about its claims that North Korea’s nuclear capabilities were on highly destructive and potentially abusive levels. In addition, US President George W. Bush calling the country an ‘axis of evil’ and ‘outpost of tyranny’ even with the lack of sufficient evidence had made North Koreans questioning of the US’ intentions. In fact, it has been aid that North Korea’s nuclear abilities are what deter other more powerful countries from taking advantage of it. Economy: North Korea is a poor nation. Thus, it is using its leverage against trade partners in order to get better exchange deals and extract maximum values. Its weapons of mass destruction is it bargaining chip. Also, given the US’ predisposition to abuse its power, North Korea is using its arsenal as security insurance. Another possible factor is that Kim Jong Il intends to make a huge mark as a political leader and be identified as the leader that secured for the country economic security and world fame. In the end, we can say that North Korea refuses to give up its nuke arsenal because, more than pleasing the rest of the world, it is aimed at making sure it is benefitting at the highest possible level. North Korea has gone too far behind the rest of the world to give up the one thing that gives it leverage now. Other countries might find it appalling — a threat; that North Korea might consider taking over the world with its nukes; and other horror stories. It could be so. However, it could also be a grand attempt at keeping the country alive. North Korea has survived years operating independently and it is not likely to back down now. When we really look deep into the issue and see it from North Korea’s vantage point, it is a noble act. BIBLIOGRAPHY Norris, Roberts and Hans M. Kristensen. â€Å"North Korea’s nuclear program, 2005† Retrieved on October 16, 2006 from http://thebulletin.org/article_nn.php?art_ofn=mj05norris. â€Å"World regrets North Korea’s quitting nuke talks†. Retrieved on October 16, 2006 from http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/02/10/nkorea.talks/index.html ; ; How to cite On North Korea’s refusal to give up its nukes, Essay examples

Competitive Strategy Business Model Innovation

Question: Discuss about the case study Competitive Strategy for Business Model Innovation. Answer: Introduction: Key Ideas: The video defined in the discussion mainly relates to the CAGE framework. The video is explained by Professor Pankaj Ghemawat, who mainly focuses on the CAGE framework to evaluate the international opportunities for the trade. Prof. Ghemawat is the director of the center for the Globalization of Education and Management at the Stern School of Business. According to the explanation, the CAGE framework is considered as the key source for the growth and development of the international business (Carlson School of Management, 2015). The basic idea is related to the trading between the two countries in an appropriate manner. The trading mainly depends on different dimensions. The suitable coordination of these dimensions is related to the CAGE. He also explains the meaning of the CAGE, which is helpful in managing the appropriate aspects related to the business or trading. The C stands for Cultural, A stands for Administration/ Political, G stands for geographic and E stands fo r Economic aspects. All these four ideas are helpful in doing the suitable trade with the other countries. He also explains that if the trade would be done between the two similar countries with the similar language, border and per-capita income, the business can grow in a rapid manner. It also possesses the same cultural values, financial aspects and the economic conditions by which the global trade will be increased by 10-15 percent. This will not only strengthen the trading relationships of the countries, but by this, the financial aspects of the countries may also become stronger. The video also provides the idea about similar and different dimensions possesses by the countries to make the trade possible. In short, the CAGE is considered as the most appropriate aspect for bringing the transformation in the organization. Organization Benefited: In Australia, there are various organizations which are getting benefited from the CAGE framework. The CAGE framework is mainly defined for managing the dimensions with the dissimilar and similar framework. The Australian agriculture industry is getting benefited from the CAGE framework. This framework will be helpful in managing the aspects related to the trading in the most suitable manner. It is helpful in providing the trading and business opportunity by which the appropriate coordination with the other country can become possible. Australian International food Security Center (AIFSC) is the agricultural organization and believes in trading with the international market. Most of the food products are exported in the major cities of Australia and the nearest countries of Australia (Kapil, 2011). With the CAGE framework, the organization can also promote the financial and the economic aspects related to the country. The organization also follows the suitable dimensions which are defined in the CAGE. Both the dimensions, i.e. similar and dissimilar are helpful in defining the business in a suitable way. The similar aspects are helpful in promoting the business whereas the dissimilar aspects are reducing the aspects in context to the trade. In short, the organizations are helpful in generating the most suitable trade relationship with the help of the CAGE framework and the idea defined in the video also helps a lot. Key Ideas: The E- learning video is mainly related to the business model innovation. The business model innovation plays the most important role in developing the aspects related to the newly developed business and the existing business. Through this video, Dr. Prof. Oliver Gasman explained that to bring the revolution in the industries, the most appropriate element is the innovation. Through innovation, the rapid change in the organization can be identified. These changes may be in the positive or in the negative form (UniStGallen, October). Some of the common key ideas which are defined in the business are mentioned below in the points: - Innovation is the inbuilt aspect; it is not possible to generate it technically. Innovation can be generated without the resources. The technological aspects can only be helpful for the suitable support. The basic idea of the video about the business model innovation is also explored by providing the best examples form the industry. The organizations like Cisco, Google and Dell, etc. also adapted the business model innovation to expand the basic promotion aspects. In the video, the role of initiation, ideation, integration and immigration are also defined on the wide level. These 4IS are helpful in changing the existing phase of any organization. Other than this, to manage the business in the sequential manner and to make it more innovative, some of the other ideas can also be generated from the video (Kemmis, 2012). For the better business output, at a time only one model should be selected from the 55 business model innovation, the standard KPIS should be followed in the suitable manner, the appropriate communication should be developed for the processing, the arrangement of the suitable sponsorship and discarding the negative situation. By following all these ideas, the revolution can be brought to the business. Benefited Organization: Currently, various organizations in Australia are switching towards the organizational revolution. For this, they are also selecting the suitable business model innovation. These models not only help in providing the strong business perspectives, but also helpful in promoting the business with the rapid speed. One of the articles by Don Scott Kemmis defines the appropriate business aspects in the Australian organization. Some of the common models which have recently been used by the organizations of Australia are Web jet, Suma Salad, Xpresso delight, J.B. Hi Fi and Revive clinics. All these models are helpful in providing the suitable aspects of the development and innovation of the organization. Specifically, the Qantas Airlines and the Deloitte are more influenced by the business model innovation (Sthler, 2016). These companies believe in adapting the most appropriate business innovation model as per the requirement of the current scenario and the current re quirement of the organization. An organization can able to generate the most appropriate profit by adapting the strategy from the business model innovation, the. The ideas identified in the video will also help in generating the positive aspects on the business and also assist in bringing the transformative changes. Bibliography Carlson School of Management, 2015. Pankaj Ghemawat: CAGE framework to evaluate international trade opportunities, Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FpUJaG7uMk Kapil, 2011. The CAGE Framework Distance Matters in Globalization!!!. The CAGE Framework Distance Matters in Globalization!!!, 10 December. Kemmis, S. S., 2012. Business Model Innovation: Australian business foundation, Avaialble at: https://www.aciic.org.au/assets/Publications/2012/Business-Model-Innovation.pdf?bcsi_scan_f5761508bdf24bd5=0bcsi_scan_filename=Business-Model-Innovation.pdf Sthler, P., 2016. Steve Jobs on values in your business model. Steve Jobs on values in your business model, 20 June . UniStGallen, H., October. Business Model Innovation, Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4ZSGQW0UMI

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Sustainability Essay Example For Students

Sustainability Essay Modern days have a specific requirement of multi-sided development of a person who’s to be well aware of the conflicts and misfortunes which humanity is encountering. No wonder high school and college curriculums have included the subject of sustainability as a part of their global citizenship programs. Mostly, when it comes to sustainability people have an image of proper natural resources management and the proper use of fossils. Notwithstanding, sustainability has a deeper implication that includes not only natural resources but also environmental and social management. Therefore, the subject requires a deep look into the established problems and suggested solutions. Here, we offer four 200-word essays on environmental sustainability, its matter, obstacles, and probably resolutions. Outline1 Sustainability Essay Example 1 (242 words)2 Sustainability Essay Example 2 (233 words)3 Sustainability Essay Example 3 (233 words)4 Sustainability Essay Sample 4 (238 words) Sustainability Essay Example 1 (242 words) We will write a custom essay on Sustainability specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They say that the planet Earth has been undergoing significant changes due to its millennial cycles of natural and environmental deviations. I believe that such changes are a matter of human concern because of human interference with the natural balance, i.e., extraction of fossils, green gas emissions, contamination of waters, cutting-out of rainforests, etc. As a ground, I would like to state my reasons. First of all, the age of industrial breakthrough has led to the development and implementation of technological innovations, which have brought the facilitation of human labor and a tremendous price to pay. As a consequence, the use of machinery has caused the over-extraction of fossils and overproduction of fossil derivatives due to the human inability to designate limits and predict possible outcomes. Second of all, again, the use of machines that simplify human labor has brought us to a point when the level of chemicals emissions is exceeding the amount of such that our environment can process. Third of all, as a consequence of the previous two, green gases are not worked up by nature and deposit in the atmosphere. This causes sun radiation accumulation and global warming and leads to glaciers melting. As a conclusion, I would like to underscore the urgency of the implementation of sustainability means that can, at least, decelerate the decay and disturbance of natural balance. Without it, humanity might never get well after the mistakes of its previous generations. Sustainability Essay Example 2 (233 words) Sustainability is a contemporary word frequently used by mass media that has raised a clamor around the issues of water contamination, forest cutting-out and the devastation of habitats. Apart from being associated with ecological problems sustainability implies a more thorough context. So, what does it means and what should people understand when hearing this term? For starters, sustainability is a study of principles and norms elaborated to manage natural resources properly, so that they are preserved intact for future generations. Also, it means a practice of planning and elaboration of approaches and strategies that are aimed at sustaining an environment, coping with its challenges and adjusting society to the most efficient ways of human-nature interaction. If we take into consideration the dimension of natural resources management, then the subject is based on three main principles. The first one deals with the use of solar energy and finding a means of replacing old energy sources with new ones based on alternative kinds of energy. The second principle refers to biodiversity which unfolds approaches implemented to preserve and sustain the arts of biological organisms and their natural habitats. The third one regards cycling of chemicals in the atmosphere and their management, i.e., the reduction of abundance and increase of their lack. All in all, sustainability is a complex topic whose goal is to raise awareness about the ecological and social issue of the modern time. .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e , .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .postImageUrl , .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e , .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:hover , .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:visited , .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:active { border:0!important; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:active , .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud11e057fc61cf63803b1117c99c6a73e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Historic Preservation: Gentrification or Economic Development EssaySustainability Essay Example 3 (233 words) An environment is, as they say, a cradle of our civilization that has been nurturing humanity since its dawn. People have a moral obligation to put maximal efforts into paying it back by reasonably and sufficiently handling its resources. For this, our society has been struggling with implementing the laws of sustainability. Sustainability as a way of managing nature wisely deals with a variety of aspects, which are focused on anthropological implications since here the interaction of a human being and their environment is in the center of attention. The matter includes a few dimensions which create its core. The social aspect involves issues which directly influence the well-being of a group of people, the group’s response to certain natural forces and possible changes, which can be caused by such. The economic aspect is a business perspective on how to use nature as an accelerator of economic processes, on how to outline a business the way it won’t harm its environment. The environmental aspect is, certainly, the most known and discussed topic. It’s a reflection of a society’s intention on how to interact with, use and apply natural resources with a purpose of improving such a society’s well-being. To sum up, it’s needed to be mentioned that sustainability involves more than just the management of an environment. It’s a diverse and promising vector of adjusting human life to the demands of the modern age. Sustainability Essay Sample 4 (238 words) Every century establishes certain requirements for a person, which have a purpose of facilitating the process of the person’s adjustment to their environment. As of today, a human being is asked of leading a sustainable way of life, which implies that one has to be reasonable and consistent in their lifestyle regarding water use, cleanliness of surroundings, chemicals use, and emissions. So, what are the main traits of a sustainable person? First of all, such a person has a high awareness of their environment’s issues and is ready to make decisions aimed at such issues’ resolution and prevention from happening ever again. Apart from this, it involves social and private motivation to implement changes. Second of all, a sustainable person takes actions and applies them to their own life. This regards an everyday routine, e.g., wise use of water, saving of electro-energy (or switching to alternative energy sources), etc. Third of all, to make any action widespread and in this case sustainable attitude a social phenomenon, it has to be followed and ‘worshiped’ by a formidable number of people. For this reason, it requires informing others about the reason and value of living a sustainable life by those who already lead such a life. Lastly, sustainability should not be regarded as an invention of our technological era. Its purpose is to learn how to live with nature in peace and preserve its gifts for our children.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Narrative Form Essay Samples - Improve Your Writing Skills and Become an Expert

Narrative Form Essay Samples - Improve Your Writing Skills and Become an ExpertHave you heard of narrative form essay samples? If you have not, what are they and how can they help you? There are a lot of benefits to using these sample essays that will make it more effective for you to complete your college essay.First of all, you have to consider the fact that prospective clients will be very wary about choosing you from among the many applicants that are already on the site. When you select these samples as your essay, you also get the impression that you are very good in writing and analysis. These samples are a perfect match for the composition that you would normally write in your college essay. So, with your initial success, you will be ready to tackle the tougher parts of the essay.Secondly, they would help you get the kind of feedback that you need. As most applicants want you to receive feedback, you need to make use of this opportunity. You may need to revise your essay a li ttle bit and then submit it for review.Also, if you have already submitted the essay, you will also be able to use these samples. It is a sure bet that you will get some useful insights that will help you refine your essay and improve it even more. This is what a good essay is all about: refining.Finally, if you use these form essay samples, you will also be able to build a portfolio of your writing talent. These sample essays give you the chance to show off your skills and talents in writing. So, in the end, you will be the best candidate that you are looking for because of the right tips and tricks you learned from the narrative form essay samples.Of course, the power of these form essay samples are not limited to just improving your writing abilities. They can also increase your confidence in your abilities as a writer.So, now that you know how to apply these samples for your own college essay, you will also be ready to tackle any challenge you may face. Although it may seem too easy at first, but think of all the benefits you can get from it. This will allow you to impress your readers and make them willing to read your essay.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Assessed Practical Essays

Assessed Practical Essays Assessed Practical Essay Assessed Practical Essay Method 1Mass (g)Total Mass Loss (g)Original Mass1.440.00Measurement 11.050.39Measurement 20.900.54Measurement 30.880.56Measurement 40.860.58Measurement 50.860.58CalculationsIn theory the remaining mass after the heating will be only FeSO4, so from this the mass that was evaporated off would be entirely water. From this we can calculate:The number of moles of H2O is the n= m/MrH=1O=16H2O = 18 =Mr0.58/18 = 0.032 moles of H2OThe remaining mass should be entirely FeSO4 so:Fe=56S=32O=1656 + 32 + (416) = 152 = MrThe number of moles of FeSO4 = 0.86/152 = 5.657894737 x 10^-3 MolesTo find the ratio of H2O we need to use:0.032/5.657894737 x 10^-3 = 5.655813953This is approximately 6 so the Formula of the Hydrated Iron (II) Sulphate Crystals is FeSO4.6 H2O.Method 2Titration #Start Vol. (cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½)End Vol. (cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½)Difference (cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½)19.000030.950021.9500211.000033.150022.1500315.000037.250022.050044.000026.100022.1000Average (cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½)22.0625Equ ation5 Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8 H+ = 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2OBy finding the number of moles of Fe2+ ions being reduced by the MnO4- ions we can calculate the Mr of the FeSO4.xH2O that was used in the experiment.Calculations22.0625 / 1000 = 0.0220625 dm à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Using n=VxM0.0220625 x 0.01 = 2.2062510-à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ moles of Fe2+From the equation you can see that there are 5 moles of Fe2+ taking part in the reaction so:5 x 2.09710-à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ = 1.103125 molThis method has only calculated this for 25cm3 of solution but we need 250 cm3 so we multiply by 10.1.103125 x 10 = 0.01103125 molUsing this and the original mass we can calculate the Mr of the compound and deduce the number of H2O.Using Mr = n/m3.08 / 0.01103125 = 279.2067989Then take away the Mr of FeSO4 gives the amount of water in the compound279.2067989 152 = 127.2067989Then divide by the Mr of water to get how many are in the original compound127.2067989 / 18 = 7.067044381So the formula of the compound is FeSO4.7H2OEvaluationMeasuremen t ErrorsOne of the largest measurement errors is in the weighing of the compound. The scales used only weigh to 2 decimal places. For a titration this is not accurate enough as the titration can precise. The preferable accuracy would be to at least 3 decimal places as the lack of accuracy could greatly affect the results of the calculations.Also in Method 1 we do not know whether or not there was any absorption of moisture during the cooling period. This can be a large problem as the method relies on the fact that the reaction no longer takes place when there is no more water. To escape this problem this reaction could be carried out in a vacuum or have all the moisture evacuated from around the apparatus.The greatest problem being the accuracy scales due to the fact that it can affect both methods but the second problem is mainly to do with the first method.I would suggest the use of Method 2 due to there being less measurement inaccuracies.Procedural ErrorsWithout knowing whether or not a compound is being thermally decomposed is a big downside to Method 1. During the heating there could be gases being given off other than steam, as it is assumed only the water is being removed from the compound.If there is thermal decomposition there would be the mass of the water removed as well as some of the compound. This could prove a large error in the calculations to find out how much water there is in the formula.To avoid this either a different method could be used or a boiling tube, upturned burette and hose could be used to accumulate the gases given off. This may still be inaccurate as the steam given off will also be trapped within the burette. To avoid this it could travel through a condenser first in order to extract the steam from other products. With this the total mass of the compound could be found and calculations could be accurate enough to calculate the amount of H2O in the formula.There is also a problem in not knowing when the reaction is finished ex cept by measuring the compound every so often to find when the mass no longer changes. A more accurate set of scales would help with this problem as we could check for when the mass of the compound stops changing by such large amounts, so that we could assume it was the compound that was now thermally decomposing.These errors are mainly to do with Method 1 and so I would again recommend Method 2 as there are far fewer inaccuracies and procedural errors. The only problem factor in Method 2 is human and unpredictable.