Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing and Branding Coco Chanel

1.0 Introduction The survival of firms in the global market is related to their potential to identify brands that can respond to consumers’ needs. In this context, a successful brand is able to secure organisational growth even in periods of strong market turbulences (Doyle, 2009). However, the popularity of a brand in markets worldwide is not guaranteed; for example, it is possible for a brand to face low popularity in a market even if in most markets the response of consumers to the particular brand is impressive (Doyle, 2009). In other words, certain factors such as culture and social ethics can affect the performance of brands in the international market (Davis, 2010). This study focuses on the performance of a well-known brand: Coco Chanel. The specific brand appeared in early 1900s and was initially related to clothing accessories, such as hats (Siddiqui, 2014). Through the years the brand incorporated clothes and jewellery, becoming a symbol of high quality and unique style (Siddiqui, 2 014). The characteristics of the particular brand and its performance, as part of the fashion industry, are analysed below. Emphasis is given to the brand’s environment but also to the strategies through which the brand has secured its market position. It is revealed that the brand’s success resulted from the combination of a series of strategic approaches. The economic and social conditions in markets worldwide during the 20th century had also a key role in the brand’s rapid expansion internationally. Under these terms, the brand has contributed in the increase of attractiveness of the fashion industry and the transformation of luxury products to elements of daily life style. 2.0 Coco Chanel as a brand 2.1 Overview of Coco Chanel In order to identify the performance of the brand as part of the fashion industry it is necessary to refer primarily to the brand’s history, i.e. to the events that have led to the establishment of the brand and the strategies on which the management of the brand has been based through the decades. Coco Chanel is a brand closely related to the life of its creator: Gabrielle Chanel has been the child of a poor family; in her early years Gabrielle had to face the death of her mother, an event that led Gabrielle to work as ‘a singer in a cabaret in Paris’ (Siddiqui, 2014). There, Gabrielle, having become known with the name Coco, met her first husband who assisted her in opening in 1909 ‘a shop that specialised in hats’ (Siddiqui, 2014). In a few years, after the end of the World War 1, Coco Channel entered the fashion industry by developing clothes of high quality. These clothes were characterised by simple lines and persistence in colour: black and whi te were extensively used creating a unique identity for the particular brand (Siddiqui, 2014). Through the years, the brand was expanded incorporated jewellery and perfumes, such as the Chanel No5, the brand’s most successful product ever (Siddiqui, 2014). The success of the brand has been related to the ability of Coco Channel to pay attention to the needs of people and to understand the changes in social and cultural trends, as developed globally (Graj, 2013). In any case, the brand has been characterised by its strong dependency on the personal views and beliefs of Coco Chanel, a fact which is made clear through the brand’s logo: the initials of Coco Chanel have been combined for creating a logo that gives the sense of a signature of its creator (Figure 1, Appendices). 2.2 Key competitors of Coco Chanel As already noted, Coco Chanel is one of the most powerful competitors in the global fashion industry. The brand is part of the luxury fashion sector, a sector which is characterized by the dominance of 10 brands. Different views have been developed in regard to the position of these brands in the relevant hierarchy. In the table included in Figure 2 (Appendices) two of these views are presented: the first view refers to 12 dominant brands of the specific sector while the second view focuses on 10 of these brands as the most powerful ones. Particular emphasis should be made to the following fact: the first list, the one included 12 brands refers only to the luxury clothing sector while the second list presents the top 10 fashion brands worldwide. From this view, the brand under examination would be considered as more relevant to the first list. However, the second list is important for understanding the competitive environment in the fashion industry in general. In addition, the two l ists reveal an important fact: Chanel has managed to secure an important position not only as a fashion brand but also as a luxury clothing brand, being categorized at the fourth and the fifth position accordingly (Figure 2, Appendices). The lists presented in Figure 2 also reveal the significant power of certain brands that are included in both lists: brands such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, Dior and Gucci seem to be the most critical competitors for Coco Chanel since they have managed to be popular both as fashion brands and as luxury clothing brands (Figure 2, Appendices). According to a report published by the Luxury Institute Chanel is one of the top luxury brands worldwide. In fact, in the survey developed by the above Institute most participants seemed to prefer Chanel; in the particular survey Louis Vuitton ranked second while Prada ranked third (Carr, 2012). 2.3 Brand performance2.3.1 Applied marketing mix (4p’s)The performance of the brand in its industry could be made clear after reviewing the key elements of the marketing strategy employed for the promotion of the particular brand. In practice, emphasis is given to four of these elements, which as also known as 4Ps (Burrow, 2008). The particular elements constitute a quite known framework, the marketing mix (Burrow, 2008). The 4Ps included in the marketing mix refer to specific aspects of a marketing strategy. At the first level, reference is made to Product. The term Product, as part of the marketing mix, reflects not only an object, as a materialised element, but also the various characteristics of the object/ product, such as ‘value, packaging methods and materials and brand name’ (Lamb and McDaniel, 2011: 47). Place is the second element of marketing mix; the specific term denotes the geographical area in which the product is available or in which the product i s planned to entry (Lamb and McDaniel, 2011). The term Place also reflects the means used by a firm for distributing its products internationally or locally (Fifield, 2008). The success of a product in a particular market is depended on the Promotion strategy used, i.e. on the means and the approaches employed for making the target consumers aware of the specific product (Satit et al., 2012). Finally, the Price of a product has to be decided taking into consideration various factors, such as the GDP in the target market, the market’s demographic characteristics/ average income and the status of the local economy (Lee, Cheng and Chen, 2008). If the marketing mix used in regard to a product is not appropriately planned, then target consumers would not be expected to buy the product. The relationship between the marketing mix and the consumer preferences is presented in Figure 3 (Appendices). On the other hand, marketing mix should be structured in such way so that it can respon d to actual consumer needs, as these needs are reflected in the 4Cs framework; the relationship between the two frameworks is presented in Figure 4 (Appendices). The issues highlighted above should be used when describing the marketing mix of Coco Channel. At the first level, in terms of its Product, the particular brand is characterised by exceptional quality (Ma, 2014). In fact, quality involves in all aspects of the brand’s product, meaning not only the materials of the products but also the materials used in the products’ packaging (Ma, 2014). For example, in the case of Chanel No.5 the uniqueness of the product was secured by employing an innovative name and by using a unique synthesis of aromas (Sicard, 2013). Also, the specific brand is related to a country well known for the quality of its cosmetics and clothing: France (Ma, 2014). The potentials of the brand to be expanded worldwide have been limited because of the following need: many of the brand’s products had to be supported by appropriate customer services schemes. Therefore, the selling points of the brand’s products are selected on the basis whether they can have a direct and close reference to France, as the source of these products (Ma, 2014). In regard to its Promotion strategy the specific brand can be characterised as unique: common marketing options are combined with less popular marketing approaches for attracting the consumers’ interest. For example, in its initial phase the marketing of Chanel No.5 has been based mostly on ‘word of mouth marketing’ (Sicard, 2013: 159). In addition, the advertisements related to the specific brand are likely to be included in media and press that are quite popular in the fashion industry, as for example ‘Elite and Vogue’ (Ma, 2014: 48). However, the high quality of the brand’s product has been secured by adopting high Prices, an approach which is considered as expected by which has set limits to the increase of the brand’s popularity (Ma, 2014). 2.3.2 Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) For ensuring the effectiveness of a marketing strategy used for promoting a brand marketers need to develop three, key, activities: segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP). As part of marketing, Segmentation reflects the effort of marketers to divide a market into parts/ segments; each of these segments would refer to consumers with common characteristics, such as age, marital status and so on (Cant et al., 2009). By segmenting a market marketers are able to develop marketing strategies that would be welcomed by the target consumers (Cant et al., 2009). However, in order to respond to the expectations of marketers, segmentation needs to be following by targeting. In the context of marketing the term targeting is used for showing the identification of the market segments that will be addressed by a marketing strategy (Boone and Kurtz, 2013). For example, the decision to address only teenagers among the people living in the target market is an example of targeting. As for positio ning, the specific term is used for showing the effort of marketers ‘to place a product in the mind of consumers’ (Boone and Kurtz, 2013: 98). Different approaches are likely to be used by marketers to achieve positioning, as this activity can secure consumer loyalty (Boone and Kurtz, 2013). In the case of Chanel, STP could be achieved by using various approaches. For example, in regard to the particular brand market segmentation could be based on the views of consumers in regard to luxury products. This means that global market would be divided into parts based on the expected perceptions of consumers on luxury products; the evaluation of these perceptions could be based on luxury value as of its various dimensions (Figure 5, Appendices). The market segmentation for Coco Chanel could be also based, alternatively, on the frequency of use of luxury products (Ciornea, Pop and Bacila, 2012, Figure 6, Appendices). Targeting and positioning for the particular brand could be developed using similar criteria. More specifically, in regard to targeting the marketers of Coco Chanel should take into consideration the following fact: due to the high prices of its products the particular brand could not target all social groups, as could be developed using targeting. For example, tee nagers would not be an appropriate target group for the brand’s products. As of positioning also there are certain issues that should be addressed: so far the brand has become synonym of quality; also, since its appearance in the market the brand has been among the top brands in its industry. Therefore, the best approach for positioning this brand would emphasise on ‘product’s class and on price/ quality’ (Boone and Kurtz, 2013: 298). 2.3.3 Brand illustration When referring to brand illustration reference is made to the graphical elements used for presenting the brand to the public. For example, intensive colours could be used in a brand’s logo for attracting the attention of consumers (Shimp and Andrews, 2013). In addition, symbols that denote a particular characteristic of a brand could be employed for making the brand more attractive to the public (Kumar, 2009). In order for a brand’s illustration to be successful it should not follow common patterns, especially those related to the industry involved (Kumar, 2009). In any case, the logo of the brand has not necessarily to reflect the role of the brand in the industry but it needs to offer a view on the brand’s culture, as this culture would show to the public the values and ethics on which the creation of the brand has been based. The logo of Coco Channel is based entirely on the name of its creator. The design and the elements of the specific logo aim to show the close relationship between the brand and its creator’s values; simplicity is also another issue highlighted through the logo of the above brand (Figure 1, Appendices). From this point of view, it could be supported that the brand illustration used in the case of Coco Channel can be characterized as quite successful, promoting simplicity and showing the critical role of the brand’s creator in brand’s success. 2.3.4 Detail evaluation, critical perspective – SWOT analysis As with most business strategies the effectiveness of a firm’s branding decisions is usually decided after checking the characteristics of the brand involved; the performance of the brand in its market has also to be taken into consideration for deciding whether a brand has been successful or not (Davis, 2010). In the case of Coco Chanel the SWOT framework could be used for evaluating the brand’s performance. The Strengths of the particular brand are mostly related to its brand name and its relationship to quality (Carr, 2012). In fact, the specific brand has managed to establish a unique culture, a culture based on ‘the spirit of its creator’ (Kapferer, 2008: 252). In the context of this culture, high quality in clothing would be considered not as an exceptional condition but rather as part of daily life (Kapferer, 2008). The high expansion of the brand in the global market, as compared to other luxury brands, is another important strength of the brand (Ca rr, 2012). However, the brand has an important Weakness: the price of its product is quite high, not allowing a high percentage of consumers to buy the brand’s products (Carr, 2012). On the other hand, the particular brand meets all the requirements of a luxury brand (Figure 7, Figure 8, Appendices). This means that the specific brand has important Opportunities for future growth. Still, there is the problem of continuous recession. Economic turbulences in the global market could result to the limitation of profitability of luxury brands, a fact that would be a severe Threat for the particular brand (JWT, 2009). 2.4 Brand value The achievement of profit, at a pre-specified level, is the key target of a brand, at least for brands used in businesses (Larson, 2012). In this context, a business can significantly enhance its value using one or more brands (Larson, 2012). When having to estimate the value of the brand several issues can appear: the exact profit achieved by using a brand cannot be measured since the gain from employing a brand can result either in the short term or the long term. Also, this gain may not be always monetary; the improvement of a firm’s image in the market is an example (Davis, 2010). Therefore, for measuring the value of Coco Chanel, as a brand, a mixed model would be employed: the valuation framework used by ‘BrandFinance, an organisation based in UK’ (Davis, 2010: 44). The particular framework is based on the following method: a firm estimates the level of the sales it should achieve in the future, for securing profit; then ‘a royalty rate is set for achi eving the above target’ (Davis, 2010: 44). This royalty rate can be used for estimating the current value of the brand, which is the actual brand value (Davis, 2010). The measurement of the brand value using the BrandFinance framework is made clear through the diagram in Figure 9 (Appendices). 2.5 Importance of Coco Channel for the industry Since its introduction, the specific brand has achieved the following target: it has made luxury products more attractive to consumers. More specifically, in the 1920s, when the brand first appeared, women had to face the severe consequences of the World War I; widows were increased and the interest for high quality clothing was quite low (Siddiqui, 2014). The appearance in the market of the products of the particular brand, such as the ‘short black dress and the perfume Channel No.5’ (Siddiqui, 2014), introduced a new era for the relationship between consumers and the fashion industry. Since then, fashion products and luxury products have become quite attractive as this fact has been reflected to the radical expansion of luxury brands worldwide (Figure 2, Appendices). In addition, the particular brand managed to cover the gap between fashion and the other industries. Indeed, up to the appearance of the brand’s products in the market the hierarchy of importance as of the industrial activities worldwide had a standard format: manufacturing and transport industries were mostly valued, as of their potential to cover people’s needs (Kapferer, 2008). Since the introduction of the brand’s products in the market the perspectives for growth in regard to fashion and luxury products were made clear. Entrepreneurs worldwide were initiated to invest in the particular sectors, a fact that enhanced competition and kept quality standards high (Kapferer, 2008). 3.0 Conclusion The performance of Coco Chanel as a brand can be characterised as high. In fact, as proved through the analysis made above the particular brand is one of the most powerful in the global fashion industry. The position of the brand in the luxury sector is also significant, an achievement that denotes the brand’s potentials to achieve further growth. The establishment of a unique culture has been proved to be the approach through which the particular brand secured its success. Indeed, the creator of the brand, Coco Chanel, managed to convince the women in her era that style and quality should be parts of their life style. At the same time, through the particular brand the independency of style from complex forms was achieved: instead of emphasising on heavy and multi-coloured clothing Coco Chanel preferred to use simple lines and just two colours: white and black. This approach made the brand Coco Chanel to distinguish in consumers’ minds. A similar approach was followed i n regard to the other products of the brand: simplicity and innovation have been the key elements of the brand’s products up today. In this context, the success of the brand as revealed through the examination of all its aspects could be considered as expected. In the future, further growth could be achieved on the basis that brand’s culture would remain at the centre of the brand’s strategies. 4.0 References Boone, L. and Kurtz, D. (2013) Contemporary Marketing. Belmont: Cengage Learning. Burrow, J. (2008) Marketing. Belmont: Cengage Learning. Cant, M., Strydom, J., Jooste, C. and du Plessis, P. (2009) Marketing Management. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery

The way a woman handles herself is important, according to most Americans. Furthermore, the way a woman looks on the outside surpasses all other qualities. Most women do not realize this, but this is the way in which they place their importance. In a world filled with superficiality, it is not astonishing to think that most women are un-satisfied with their outward appearance. Unhappiness with one’s outward appearance has lead to cosmetic surgery being the only solution. Cosmetic surgery has lead to more than one problem for our country and for the lives of people involved. Modifying one’s body from cosmetic surgery is not only harmful physically; it is also highly expensive, a â€Å"quick† fix for one’s deeper rooted issues, and may become highly addictive. The expansion on plastic surgery during World War One shined light upon different techniques and medical advances within this field. Originally, plastic surgery was only by means of reconstruction due to the horrific injuries of war. Doctors were required to facilitate soldiers back to health, and with the new advances of surgery they were able to give soldiers back their life in a new way. Facial reconstruction began as a new practice for plastic surgeons. Particularly this is because of the modern day weapons causing soldiers to have more bodily injuries. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons stated, â€Å"Never before had physicians been required to treat so many and such extensive facial and head injuries. Shattered jaws, blown-off noses, and lips gaping skull wounds caused by modern weapons inquired innovative restorative procedures. † (â€Å"American Society of Plastic Surgeons†)The war was completely divesting, but the surgical procedures gave hope to the soldiers. These new advancements held a purpose, but with the knowledge of surgical procedures people began to take advantage and used it for non-practical ways. With the rising awareness of plastic surgery, people became astonished with the fact that one can change his/her looks with no effort at all. What was thought of as a procedure that benefited someone took a completely different turn in the 1980’s. During this time persons had a heightened awareness of plastic surgery, and desired to find more information about this technique. Information was able to reach home with the help of â€Å"brochures†. (â€Å"American Society of Plastic Surgeons†) However, it was not until the 1990’s that the media and internet became involved. With the ability of having an at home computer, surgeons were able to provide a surgical conference for their potential clients. This advancement gave more light to cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasty. As a consequence of this heightened awareness, people began to â€Å"fix† every flaw by means of surgery. However, this type of surgery is different due to the fact that it is not a reconstruction of the abnormity it is purely cosmetic. The growing obsession with cosmetic surgery led to unrealistic views of what beauty should be. The view of beauty has changed significantly over the past hundred years. Beauty use to be the way a lady holds herself with her morals and her attitude which reflected outwardly. In the twenty-first century, beauty is viewed only as the means of perfection. Women have significantly lost self-esteem over the past years because of the constant pressure to always look a certain way. In particular, teenagers and young woman are affected most by the way one is viewed by other people because they place such a high importance on impressing and their appearance. These women and teenagers see one self as being un-fit for normal interactions with people. This is a contributing factor to the millions of dollars that is spent by people to change their imperfections. According to Alex Kuczynski, in America the cosmetic industry makes up to $15 billion. â€Å"Kuczynski† 4) With average pricing of laser treatments being $6,000 and liposuction being $11,000 it is very easy to see why the economy is in such turmoil today. The media has influenced most of the billions of dollars that are placed into cosmetic surgery. Commercials, billboards, brochures, testimonies, and telemarketers are the a few of the ways in which the media drags a person into believing that one is not suited enough for their own well-being. As a culture, we have feed into these uncomforting lies about our looks which have made us more prone to see our flaws. In 2003, more than half of Americans- 51 percent- said that they were not quite comfortable to not at all comfortable with their appearance, according to Roper study. † (â€Å"Kuczynski† 5) Perhaps, if the media was not involved so heavily in pursing surgery, people would not be willing to spend thousands of dollars on one procedure. Lastly, cosmetic surgery may become highly addictive. It has been said that once one starts pursuing surgery, it is hard to quit. The reasoning behind may be because of a disorder called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). This disorder perceives one’s self completely different than it actually is, and persons that are affected by this disorder become fixated with a slight â€Å"imperfection† that leads to obsessive behavior. â€Å"The obsessions can consume a person’s thoughts, harming every aspect of their life. † (â€Å"James† Web) This obsession is also seen more frequently in adolescents. This obsession takes complete control over their life. The person no longer feels useful to the world, and feels that the only way to survive is through cosmetic surgery. It is tragic to see one’s life be affected so deeply by their appearance, but it is seen by almost everyone in America. In order to make one feel less conscious about their appearance, we as a society need to shift our priorities in a colossal way. Not only should a teenager or young woman feel less appreciated because of their looks, but no one should feel this way. As a society we need to practice the use of inner beauty instead of outer beauty. It is our duty to make America feel united and not separate by our appearance. Therefore, our society would benefit economically, socially, and morally by changing our views on appearance. Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Have you ever thought about how much cosmetic surgery has progressed and all the different types of surgeries? Cosmetic surgery is the practice of reshaping body tissues. It is also known as plastic surgery. Plastic is derived from the Greek word Plastikos meaning â€Å"to mold. † Plastic surgery dates all the way back 3000 years ago, to the Ancient Egyptians, Indians, and Greeks. We may not recognize that people back then used a form of plastic surgery, but they did.Centuries ago tribes used plastics surgery methods by disking their lips, stretching their earlobes, binding their feet, filing their teeth, and tattooing and scaring their skin. (Random History) Those were plastic surgery procedures back than. Now there is liposuction, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and reductions, Botox, microdermabrasion, collagen injections, laser hair removal, and chemical pads. Plastic surgery has advanced over several thousands of years and will continue. The history of plastic surgery goes back to ancient Egypt (1279-1212 BC).The Egyptians did not practice surgeries on the living, but they did practice on the dead. The surgeries they did are not what we think of when we hear the word cosmetic surgery, but the way they prepared the dead were part of the principles of cosmetic surgery today. Egyptians called it mummification. Pharaohs were mummified using special techniques that would enhance the features that were prominent to them. One step with mummification was to take the deceased to the â€Å"per nefer,† otherwise known as the House of Beauty, and add â€Å"cosmetics† to give the body a life-like appearance.The Egyptians used materials that we do not think of using. For example, Ramesses II had a small piece of bone and several seeds placed in his nose to hold the shape. His nose was surgically altered to make sure it looked be recognizable in the afterlife. Another example is the mummy of Queen Nunjmet. She had bandages stuck in her cheek and belly. (Random History) This represents how surgeons now will implant silicone into the body of a person. It is the same idea. Even though there are only records of Egyptians practicing on the dead, they had the skills and techniques to perform surgeries on the living as well. Jen) Ancient India (approximately 300 BC) is the birthplace of plastic surgery. Ancient India is the time that there were records of reconstructive surgery performed on the living. Punishment for a crime may have been cutting off ones nose if guilty. (Jen) This form of punishment led to the birth of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is commonly known as a nose-job. During this era the method Rhinoplasty was also described as the â€Å"attached flap,† or what we know today as the skin graft. A skin graft is where the epidermis is removed from one part of the body and used on another.Surgeons reconstructed the nose by cutting skin from either the cheek or forehead. Than tha t piece of skin, skin side out, was twisted over a leaf of the right size. After that the skin was sewed into place, and in order to keep the nostrils open during the healing process two polished wooden tubes were put in them. (Random History) During this time there was no anesthesia so the pain of this procedure was brutal and the risk of infections was high. Not only were there a large number of nose jobs in India, but the surgeons also worked on ears.The Indians were fashionable people and as a result of this both adults and children wore earrings. These earrings were constructed out of heavy materials that caused the earlobe to often spilt open. To repair the earlobe the doctors used a skin graft from the cheek. Surgery of the ear is known as Otoplasty. Not only did surgeons develop procedures for the nose and ears, they also did for lips too. The main reason why so many people had their nose, ears, and lips cut was because that is how people were punished for criminal, religiou s, and military crimes.Ancient India is where plastic surgery official became introduced. There are hundreds of surgeries performed on people daily. Surgeries are performed on every part of the body, from head to toe. There are well over 100 different surgeries done. Over 50 of those surgeries are done on the face. A few of the popular face surgeries are botox, rhytidectomy, and lip augmentation. A few of other surgeries done on the rest of the body are liposuction, breast surgery, and abdominoplasty. How Many Types) Botox is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that was introduced in the late 1980’s and it is one of the top five procedures. This procedure is used to help decrease glabellar lines. Glabellar lines are vertical lines on the face between the eye brows and when someone frowns. Botox is a shot the essentially paralyzes the muscles that produce lines. This procedure can last anywhere between a few minutes to 30 minutes. Numbing cream or anesthesia is usually used with botox, but the needles are so small that there is hardly any pain at all. Botox can ause headaches, nausea, flu-like symptoms, and redness around injection site. Botox has become very popular within the last 10 years. Rhytidectomy is known as a face lift. (Village pointe) Face lift is a surgical procedure that helps improve appearance of the face. Face lift is a common procedure. There are positive and negative side effects of getting a face lift. The positives are that a face lift can correct sagging skin, tighten facial muscles, and improve your facial contour. The negative side effects are that it can cause nerve damage, visible scarring, swelling, bruising, and pain.There are many different types of face lifts that can be done, such as mini face lift, lower face lift, mid face lift, etc. It just depends on the person getting the surgery what area they want to have improved. Lip augmentation is to give fuller lips. Hylauronic acid is what is usually injected into the lip. This ac id is a natural substance found in the body and it improves the lips volume, structure, and shape. The effects of a lip augmentation last around six months, so in order to keep the volume wanted; treatments are needed about every six months.Fat injections used to be used on the lips to make them fuller, but the results vary and the side effects are at a greater risk so that method is not used as much. (Lip augmentation) Liposuction is a simple surgical procedure that removes excess fat between the skin and muscle. A small stainless steel tube is attached to a suction pump, than the tube is inserted into fat through small incisions made on the skin. There are many different techniques that are used to perform liposuction. A common technique of liposuction is laser liposuction. Laser and Ultrasound) Laser liposuction is used to target specific body parts and it is designed to only target fat cells, so it protects the muscle and nerve tissues. Laser liposuction causes less pain, faster healing, and a smaller amount of bruising after. (Village pointe) There are three different types of breast surgery that are common. They are breast augmentations, reduction mammoplasty, and mastopexy. Breast augmentation is better known as breast implant. (What is Breast Augmentation? Reduction mammoplasty also known as breast reduction is where skin and glandular tissue is removed to reduce the breast size. Mastopexy is a breast lift. It is where the breasts are lifted or reshaped to make them less saggy. (Village Pointe) Cosmetic surgery has become more advanced within the last couple thousand years. The world of cosmetic surgery grew from the narrow field of rhinoplasty to over a 150 different types of surgeries. As we become more advanced in the cosmetic field, new technology makes the procedures faster and the risk factors involved are not as high. Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Have you ever thought about how much cosmetic surgery has progressed and all the different types of surgeries? Cosmetic surgery is the practice of reshaping body tissues. It is also known as plastic surgery. Plastic is derived from the Greek word Plastikos meaning â€Å"to mold. † Plastic surgery dates all the way back 3000 years ago, to the Ancient Egyptians, Indians, and Greeks. We may not recognize that people back then used a form of plastic surgery, but they did.Centuries ago tribes used plastics surgery methods by disking their lips, stretching their earlobes, binding their feet, filing their teeth, and tattooing and scaring their skin. (Random History) Those were plastic surgery procedures back than. Now there is liposuction, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and reductions, Botox, microdermabrasion, collagen injections, laser hair removal, and chemical pads. Plastic surgery has advanced over several thousands of years and will continue. The history of plastic surgery goes back to ancient Egypt (1279-1212 BC).The Egyptians did not practice surgeries on the living, but they did practice on the dead. The surgeries they did are not what we think of when we hear the word cosmetic surgery, but the way they prepared the dead were part of the principles of cosmetic surgery today. Egyptians called it mummification. Pharaohs were mummified using special techniques that would enhance the features that were prominent to them. One step with mummification was to take the deceased to the â€Å"per nefer,† otherwise known as the House of Beauty, and add â€Å"cosmetics† to give the body a life-like appearance.The Egyptians used materials that we do not think of using. For example, Ramesses II had a small piece of bone and several seeds placed in his nose to hold the shape. His nose was surgically altered to make sure it looked be recognizable in the afterlife. Another example is the mummy of Queen Nunjmet. She had bandages stuck in her cheek and belly. (Random History) This represents how surgeons now will implant silicone into the body of a person. It is the same idea. Even though there are only records of Egyptians practicing on the dead, they had the skills and techniques to perform surgeries on the living as well. Jen) Ancient India (approximately 300 BC) is the birthplace of plastic surgery. Ancient India is the time that there were records of reconstructive surgery performed on the living. Punishment for a crime may have been cutting off ones nose if guilty. (Jen) This form of punishment led to the birth of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is commonly known as a nose-job. During this era the method Rhinoplasty was also described as the â€Å"attached flap,† or what we know today as the skin graft. A skin graft is where the epidermis is removed from one part of the body and used on another.Surgeons reconstructed the nose by cutting skin from either the cheek or forehead. Than tha t piece of skin, skin side out, was twisted over a leaf of the right size. After that the skin was sewed into place, and in order to keep the nostrils open during the healing process two polished wooden tubes were put in them. (Random History) During this time there was no anesthesia so the pain of this procedure was brutal and the risk of infections was high. Not only were there a large number of nose jobs in India, but the surgeons also worked on ears.The Indians were fashionable people and as a result of this both adults and children wore earrings. These earrings were constructed out of heavy materials that caused the earlobe to often spilt open. To repair the earlobe the doctors used a skin graft from the cheek. Surgery of the ear is known as Otoplasty. Not only did surgeons develop procedures for the nose and ears, they also did for lips too. The main reason why so many people had their nose, ears, and lips cut was because that is how people were punished for criminal, religiou s, and military crimes.Ancient India is where plastic surgery official became introduced. There are hundreds of surgeries performed on people daily. Surgeries are performed on every part of the body, from head to toe. There are well over 100 different surgeries done. Over 50 of those surgeries are done on the face. A few of the popular face surgeries are botox, rhytidectomy, and lip augmentation. A few of other surgeries done on the rest of the body are liposuction, breast surgery, and abdominoplasty. How Many Types) Botox is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that was introduced in the late 1980’s and it is one of the top five procedures. This procedure is used to help decrease glabellar lines. Glabellar lines are vertical lines on the face between the eye brows and when someone frowns. Botox is a shot the essentially paralyzes the muscles that produce lines. This procedure can last anywhere between a few minutes to 30 minutes. Numbing cream or anesthesia is usually used with botox, but the needles are so small that there is hardly any pain at all. Botox can ause headaches, nausea, flu-like symptoms, and redness around injection site. Botox has become very popular within the last 10 years. Rhytidectomy is known as a face lift. (Village pointe) Face lift is a surgical procedure that helps improve appearance of the face. Face lift is a common procedure. There are positive and negative side effects of getting a face lift. The positives are that a face lift can correct sagging skin, tighten facial muscles, and improve your facial contour. The negative side effects are that it can cause nerve damage, visible scarring, swelling, bruising, and pain.There are many different types of face lifts that can be done, such as mini face lift, lower face lift, mid face lift, etc. It just depends on the person getting the surgery what area they want to have improved. Lip augmentation is to give fuller lips. Hylauronic acid is what is usually injected into the lip. This ac id is a natural substance found in the body and it improves the lips volume, structure, and shape. The effects of a lip augmentation last around six months, so in order to keep the volume wanted; treatments are needed about every six months.Fat injections used to be used on the lips to make them fuller, but the results vary and the side effects are at a greater risk so that method is not used as much. (Lip augmentation) Liposuction is a simple surgical procedure that removes excess fat between the skin and muscle. A small stainless steel tube is attached to a suction pump, than the tube is inserted into fat through small incisions made on the skin. There are many different techniques that are used to perform liposuction. A common technique of liposuction is laser liposuction. Laser and Ultrasound) Laser liposuction is used to target specific body parts and it is designed to only target fat cells, so it protects the muscle and nerve tissues. Laser liposuction causes less pain, faster healing, and a smaller amount of bruising after. (Village pointe) There are three different types of breast surgery that are common. They are breast augmentations, reduction mammoplasty, and mastopexy. Breast augmentation is better known as breast implant. (What is Breast Augmentation? Reduction mammoplasty also known as breast reduction is where skin and glandular tissue is removed to reduce the breast size. Mastopexy is a breast lift. It is where the breasts are lifted or reshaped to make them less saggy. (Village Pointe) Cosmetic surgery has become more advanced within the last couple thousand years. The world of cosmetic surgery grew from the narrow field of rhinoplasty to over a 150 different types of surgeries. As we become more advanced in the cosmetic field, new technology makes the procedures faster and the risk factors involved are not as high.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bike Service at Door Project System

The project would be one a kind of services in Australia. With this service, people can get their bike servicing at their doorstep. This project or service would be known as ‘Bike Service at Door’. There would be a mobile application for this project and people can book the appointment with a click. The executive of ‘Bike Service at Door’ would e and pick the bike at the appointed time (Krishan, 2012). The executive would get the bike services from the required service center. Once the servicing is done, the executive would bring the bike back to the owner. Initially, this project or this service would be launched in Sydney. The vision of the project is to make life easy and convenient for bike owners who are busy in their life and who does not have time to give bike for servicing. With this project, the bike owners can get the bike serviced at their doorsteps. The ou e is that the bike owners would not need to go to the service center to get their bike serviced (Suarez, 2014). To develop a mobile application and web portal for people to book the appointment with a click. The executive of ‘Bike Service at Door’ would e and pick the bike at the appointed time. The executive would get the bike services from the required service center. Once the servicing is done, the executive would bring the bike back to the owner The objective is to mobile application and web portal people to book the appointment with a single click. The output or the target state would be a website and a mobile application that the bike owners can use to book the service appointment for their bikes (Turner, 2014). It is targeted, the bike owners in Sydney would use this service as it would be ease and convenient for them to get the bike services without them going to the service station. The two key success criteria for this project can be discussed as: The mobile application and website would be developed that would be used by the bike owners to book the appointment (Kumar, 2012) There are enough executives that would go to the doorstep of people to collect the bike, deliver to respective service stations, and return the bike back to bike owners The people are ready to use this service and people would trust the executives to give the bike for servicing. There would not be any technological challenges to develop the website and mobile applications The service centers would accept the bike from the service executives who are not the owners of the bike. Corona-Suarez, G. A., AbouRizk, S. M., & Karapetrovic, S. (2014). Simulation-Based Fuzzy Logic Approach to Assessing the Effect of Project Quality Management on Construction Performance.  Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering,  2014. Kim, D. Y., Kumar, V., & Kumar, U. (2012). Relationship between quality management practices and innovation.  Journal of Operations Management,30(4), 295-315.   Turner, J. R. (2014). The handbook of project-based management (Vol. 92). McGraw-hill. Antony, J., Krishan, N., Cullen, D., & Kumar, M. (2012). Lean Six Sigma for higher education institutions (HEIs) Challenges, barriers, success factors, tools/techniques. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 61(8), 940-948.

International Curriculum. What impact does the International Primary Essay

International Curriculum. What impact does the International Primary Curriculum have on the current National Curriculums - Essay Example It can also be defined as the planned, organised and implemented learning that takes place in schools. Each country has its own modules composing of different topics and syllabuses. Currently, there is an ongoing process of developing a national curriculum starting from kindergarten to the age of twelve years, introducing English, mathematics, history and science subjects followed by languages, arts and geography (Beck, 2000,209). The goal of international curriculum is to improve the quality of education and competitiveness across schools in the nation. It has been realised that the national curriculum did not prepare children for the future, thus it is not standard. With the changes in economy and technology, there is need to adopt a healthier curriculum that will help teachers and parents to know what children are supposed to learn and at what age to open their mind, an effort to prepare them to live in the contemporary world. The curriculum covers learning framework, professional development and evaluation of both teachers and students to assess their potential (Rajaonarison, 1995, 12). Literature Review Initially introduced in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, National curriculum became a curriculum for primary and secondary state schools under the education reform Act 1988. The curriculum excludes private schools which have the mandate to design their own curricula. The law dictates teaching all students the basic curriculum of religious education and national curriculum. The primary objective of national curriculum was to make the material taught across school standard in order to promote evaluation of individual schools. Parents were given an opportunity to decide which schools their children should be enrolled. The two fundamental aims of the curriculum were to lay a ground for children’s learning as well as development of their social, moral, religious and cultural background in preparation for opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of life. The school is supposed to prepare students with the necessary literacy and numerical skills, information and communication technology, opportunities for creativity and innovation. The compulsory subjects were science, design and technology. Each topic is seen as contributing to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, citizenship and key skills. It is meant to provide learning opportunities for children with disabilities, special educational needs, and those from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Other extra curricula activities besides the national modules were designed to cater for the need of personal needs such as speech and language therapy, use of ICT, health and safety (Coulby,1996, 27). International curriculum aims at ensuring that the laid down learning objectives, method and content of instruction, teaching versus learning strategies and teaching aids will all contribute to academic excellence. Hence, the purpose is to investigate the social effect on the method of preparation and determine the role played by politics in education. This information will establish a foundation for future action with the goal of improving the curriculum and helping people to realize change in such a multiracial and multicultural society. The international primary curriculum is large creative, encompasses many aspects of education including the method of instruction, teaching and teaching aids all aimed towards international mindedness and individual learning. The design ensures that teachers make learning such a busy, interactive and realistic environment for children. It is a comprehensive system where children apply where they are living with other places in the world. Thus, the aims can be summarised as improving and extending knowledge to promote

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Almarai food company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Almarai food company - Essay Example The entrepreneurs imported plants, cows and knowledge from other countries (The Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce 3). The dairy industry has attracted a number of players but they are limited by widespread water shortage across the country. The major players in the industry include the Almarai Food Company which was established in 1976; Al safi Denone established in 1979; Nada dairy; Nadec and other smaller companies. The four organizations hold approximate market share of about 41.7%, 20.7%, 8% and 14% respectively (Pendleton 2). The companies started by producing plain lifelong milk but due to demand they have also included flavored lifelong milk. The government has over the years capped the growth of the dairy industry (Al-Otaibi and Robinson 2). This has made people to resort to the use of powdered milk made by Irish companies. There are very few players in the dairy industry in the Saudi Arabian market which makes structure of the industry to be oligopolistic (Al-Asfoor 1). This means that a slight change of the price by one player will have a big impact on competitors. Unlike it is elsewhere in the world where the outlets buy daily products from manufactures, outlet operators in Saudi Arabia do not buy but sell products for the manufacturers. The risk of excess stock is borne by the manufacturers. ... The government helps the producers to reach an agreement on shelf space in the outlets and prices both at wholesale and retail levels whenever there is a problem. The competition among the players in the Saudi Arabia dairy industry is mainly price. This is because there is less differentiation of their products (Al-Asfoor 2). Whenever one of the companies lowers the price for its products, customers are likely to abandon other products in its favor. This makes others also to lower their so as to compete favorably. This has made economic advisors to advice the companies in this industry to differentiate their products as a way of avoiding cutthroat price competition. The Saudi Arabian dairy industry has grown to be very competitive in the gulf region (Pendleton 1). Almarai Food Copany, the biggest food manufacturing company in the industry entered into collaboration with Pepsi Company. This has enabled it to conquer markets in the Gulf region, Africa, and the Far East. This has been p ossible due to its high quality goods which compete effectively with those produced by international industries (Pendleton 1). Currently, the dairy industry of Saudi Arabia is the leading in the gulf region. It supplies its products to five countries including Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Table 1 shows the market shares of different milk brands in Saudi Arabia between 2007 and 2011. Table 1: Historic Market Shares Government intervention in this industry has been minimal. The government came in when the prices wars threatened to lead the industry to a state of collapse. It helped the competitors in the industry reach agreements to stabilize prices (Uthman 7). In some cases the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Buddhism Modernist- Colonel Henry Steel Olcott Essay

Buddhism Modernist- Colonel Henry Steel Olcott - Essay Example ork City before later joining the University of Columbia before he could drop out of the university in 1851 when his father’s business failed to raise the required amount to pay for his education. In between 1858 to 1860, Olcott found a placement in the New York tribune where he used to write agricultural articles though he could engage in other topics in his writing for instance he wrote about the lineage of his extended family. Olcott married the daughter of trinity parish priest, Mary Epplee Morgan in 1860, and they were blessed with four children two of whom died while still toddlers. During the American Civil war, Henry Steel Olcott served in the military after which he was assigned with the duties of a special commissioner in the faculty of war in New York. In US army, Olcott attained much admiration and respected from his colleagues, and that led to his promotion as a colonel in the department of the navy in Washington. After the assassinations of the then president, Abraham Lincoln, Olcottwas hired to facilitate in the process of investigating the assassinations, as he was a skillful person in his field. In 1868, he ventured into law where he concentrated with insurance policies and all fraud activities therein. In 1874, Henry Steel Olcott made several publications that entailed the spiritualist movement and in the same year, he met Helena Blavatsky whom they held similar views towards the spiritualist movement. Their union elicited the urge to develop a spiritual, philosophical ideology that led to the establishment of the theosophical society that was a new religious movement. In order to support the new movement, Olcott continued to offer his services as a lawyer and in 1875, he was requested by popular spiritualist to carry out an investigation on Nelson Holmes, who alleged to control the spirit thus making Katie king affluent (Prebish & Keown, 2013). Since the inception of the society, Olcott continued to preside over the leadership of the society

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Short Diary of our History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Short Diary of our History - Term Paper Example The defining event in the 19th Century of American history was the expansion of westward. In other words, it was not the simple story of â€Å"Empire of Liberty†. I am of the view that cited expansion in 60 years after the purchase of Louisiana in fact destroyed the Republic earlier than it was expected (Foner 63). After one hundred and fifty years of civil war, number of Americans blamed civil war of slavery. It did not necessarily mean to target specific segment of the society. The civil war provided American people a chance to face slavery as an issue boldly (Foner). In my own view, slavery around the globe in general and specifically in the modern world raised many eyebrows about the norms of a civilized society. This reminds me the era of free trading of slaves in the Roman Empire, which was at that time considered a civilized nation amongst the comity of nation. The Industrial Revolution, which spread over fifty years, played a key role toward economic my development. I consider it a great change in terms of conversion of hand knitted production to machine made production in the factory premises. The spinning and weaving machines, which were operated through the power of water switched over to steam power. This really helped me in boosting industrial growth. Further, there can be no difference of opinion amongst the architects of American economy that it has changed the American society and economy revolutionarily (Foner 107). Apart from other economies involved in the First World War, the war in question proved blessings in disguise for me and the American people in terms of rapid growth of their economy. I can say that mentioned War increased many opportunities of employment, remuneration for us besides handsome profits to the indigenous industry. Out of this war, America becomes the great power of the world as well as the most favored credit

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Film Citizen Kane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film Citizen Kane - Essay Example To specify, the compositions in Citizen Kane have the frames that are split into fractions of light and darkness/shadow.   Apart from this, Welles successfully employs weird, exaggerated angles that make characters appear in a distorted way. This technique is illustrative of a typical noir movie syntax. In addition, low angle shots focus the attention on the protagonist’s physical stature, yet they contain frames that suggest restriction and confinement.   For example, Kane’s placing against low ceilings seems to diminish the character and contradict his prevailing personality (Citizen Kane). All in all, this technique helps to create a sense of claustrophobia through evident visual entrapment. This is known to be characteristic of noir thrillers as well. Last but not least, the sustained shots’ duration is also a feature of film noir genre successfully employed by Welles.In summary, Citizen Kane (1941) possesses a number of stylistic and technical elements o f noir films. Its fragmented structure, narrative labyrinths, sequences of flashbacks, the quest for some truth, the presence of mystery, and cynical view of power can be considered its noir stylistic aspects.   Technical noir elements include unusual angles, contrasts of light and shadow, shots of sustained duration,   and other techniques that help to create the sense of claustrophobia and entrapment characteristic of this genre.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Alternative Energy Source Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Alternative Energy Source - Essay Example In essence, some of the issues that connect to the development of alternative energy sources are consistent with the view that the developmental needs of humanity are entirely dependent on the availability of sufficient clean energy, which does not pose any significant threat to the eco-systems around the world. On this note, it becomes important to consider the fact that debate on the production of alternative source of energy is also understood together with the need to lessen the kind of crises that have defined competition over the existing forms energy. A major factor of consideration is the fact that the economies of nearly all the countries around the world are driven by the influence of energy on other sectors, which affect the performance of markets and other indicators. Challenges of monopoly over oil, for instance, have contributed to fears in the developing and the developed world of dominance and manipulation of the economic order in ways that could impact negatively on the aspect of globalization and liberalization of world economies. Consequently, it becomes necessary to investigate available options to the question of alternative sources of energy and the need to resolve current issues affecting the development of energy levels. A wide range of research work has indicated that the world supply of oil has reduced drastically over the past century. Fears continue to grip the developed and the developing world over the question of sustainability and the impact of the reduction on the stability of the world economy. On this matter, research has shown that many countries will face significant challenges in the running of their industries as the fuel levels continue to reduce. Industrialization has been accepted as an important benchmark of development. Countries continue to grapple with the challenge in various ways that underscore the different levels of impact across the globe. Estimates from multiple sources indicate

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impact of EU Enlargement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Impact of EU Enlargement - Essay Example Government expenditures needed to meet the cost of the EU regulations will also necessitate greater debt and higher taxes. As published by EU Observer, a daily newspaper in Brussels, the large expenses involved in accession, the new member states may have to ask private or public financial institutions for money and further the government may also have to adopt economic measures such as increasing taxes.(Marian L. Tupy, 2000:2) The fifth enlargement in 2004 was long awaited enlargement of EU which began in 1998 and culminated with the agreement of intergovernmental conference in Nice 2000, according to which Poland became signatory to the Nice Treaty in February 2001 and joined the EU in May 2004.(Poland and the issues surrounding EU Enlargement, 2004)2 Hanska (2008:3) in her paper work stated that Poland, from the geographical point of view is the sixth largest and one of the most populous countries within the EU and, because of this, considers itself as one of the more powerful member states at the same time.3 Polish society is one of the most pro European societies in the European societies in... sh people supported European Integration during 20034 referendum and polish membership in the EU because all the EU institutions were perceived by Polish people who were effective and less corrupted. The Polish supported the integration because they perceived the EU accession as strategic goal for Poland and majority of the society viewed it as inevitability. Even the polish farmers realized that EU integration is worth its promise and that it was real because of its subsidiaries. The EU integration opened labor markets which allowed getting legal works in countries like France, Netherlands and Italy. Prezmek Jaron (n.d.) analyzed that the accession has given international education opportunities for the Polish as other European member states, which was not permissible prior to the accession. And EU budget provides Poland with a chance to become the biggest beneficiary of EU financial support. The most important dimension of EU integration is possibility of traveling across Europe wi thout passport.5 Poland after EU accession possesses completely new political reality with their first ever election of Parliament and President in 2005 since 1989. (Prezmek Jaron, n.d) Poland is an important country with EU because of its size, geo-political position and its market. According to the data of Institute of Public Affairs, in the year 2006, 36 % of the respondents agreed that integration with EU brings personally more benefits than losses as compared to 27% in 2004 and 2005 respectively. While 28% (2006) agreed with as many losses as benefits compared to 32% (2005) and 29% (2004). And 16% (2006) gave consent to more losses than benefits against 23% (2005) and 23% (2005). While some of the remaining respondent's were not sure and others found it difficult. (Lena Kolarska Bobi

Live Theatre Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Live Theatre Evaluation Essay I went to see the production ‘Blood Brothers’ at Wycombe Swan Theatre on the 24th April 2013. Blood Brothers is a musical about twin brothers Mickey (Sean Jones) and Edward (Mark Hutchinson) separated at birth who both find each other again and become blood brothers, but find out they’re brothers right before they die. Before I saw the play, my expectations were it was going to be boring and just plain acting, which I do not like. I was quite surprised to find out it was a musical. I was quite looking forward to see how they used the script to make it happy, sad or funny at times. When I looked at part of the script in class, I didn’t really understand what was going on The type of stage used was a proscenium arch which is looking through the fourth wall, which made the production effective because we could see what they were doing but they didn’t know the audience was there, which made it more naturalistic. The stage was also set up as a quite worn down estate, there was a wall with graffiti on in the background which made it look like it wasn’t a very nice area to live in. The lighting also helped create the effect by making it quite dark, dim and dirty. In the second part of the play, they moved to the country (Ms Johnstone, Mickey, Linda, Sammy etc. ) Which was much cleaner and a nicer place to live. They showed this by making the lighting brighter and whiter, changing the backdrop to a field and when Ms Johnstone hung her sheets on the line, they were much whiter and cleaner which represents peace and happiness. Costume represented the actor’s characters a lot during the play for example, Mickey was from a rough and dirty background so his clothes were dirty, ripped and stretched throughout the play, whereas Edward’s clothing were very smart and well looked after. Another key moment to represent Mickey and Edward’s friendship was that when Edward and Mickey first met, Mickey could pull his sweatshirt all the way over knees, because he played around a lot, and Edward couldn’t because he was seen as a ‘Mummy’s boy’ and listened to his Mother a lot. The closer Edward and Mickey got, the more Edward was coming away from his Mother and listening less to what she said. For example, when Mrs Lyons shouted at Edward he pulled his jumper right over his knees and also said to his Mother â€Å"You’re a fuckoff† which is very rude and not something a posh 8 year old should say.

Monday, July 22, 2019

High school graduates should take a year off before entering college Essay Example for Free

High school graduates should take a year off before entering college Essay A woman takes a selfie from a high angle A selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated withsocial networking, like Instagram. They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arms length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus, which is more commonly known as a group selfie Contents History The first known selfie, taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839 Robert Cornelius, an American pioneer in photography, produced a daguerreotype of himself in 1839 which is also one of the first photographs of a person. Because the process was slow he was able to uncover the lens, run into shot for a minute or more, and then replace the lens cap. He recorded on the back The first light Picture ever taken. 1839. Early Edwardian woman taking her picture in a mirror roughly 1900 Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia taking one of the first teenage self-portraits The debut of the portable Kodak Brownie box camera in 1900 led to photographic self-portraiture becoming a more widespread technique. The method was usually by mirror and stabilizing the camera either on a nearby object or on a tripod while framing via a viewfinder at the top of the box. Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna at the age of 13 was one of the first teenagers to take her own picture using a mirror to send to a friend in 1914. In the letter that accompanied the photograph, she wrote, I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling. The concept of uploading group self-taken photographs (now known as super selfies) to the internet, although with a  disposable camera not a smartphone, dates to a webpage created by Australians in September 2001, including photos taken in the late 1990s (captured by the Internet Archive in April 20 04). The earliest usage of the word selfie can be traced as far back as 2002. It first appeared in an Australian internet forum (ABC Online) on 13 September 2002. Um, drunk at a mates 21st, I tripped ofer [sic] and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps. I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie. Popularity The term selfie was discussed by photographer Jim Krause in 2005, although photos in the selfie genre predate the widespread use of the term. In the early 2000s, before Facebook became the dominant online social network, self-taken photographs were particularly common on MySpace. However, writer Kate Losse recounts that between 2006 and 2009 (when Facebook became more popular than MySpace), the MySpace pic (typically an amateurish, flash-blinded self-portrait, often taken in front of a bathroom mirror) became an indication of bad taste for users of the newer Facebook social network. Early Facebook portraits, in contrast, were usually well-focused and more formal, taken by others from distance. In 2009 in the image hosting and video hosting website Flickr, Flickr users used selfies to describe seemingly endless self-portraits posted by teenage girls. According to Losse, improvements in design—especially the front-facing camera copied by the iPhone 4 (2010) from Korean and Japan ese mobile phones, mobile photo apps such as Instagram, and selfie sites such as ItisMee—led to the resurgence of selfies in the early 2010s.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Engineering Management at Toyota

Engineering Management at Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation is the second largest producer of automobiles in the world. It has its headquarters in Japan and is present in a large number of countries around the world. This multinational company was established by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937. It was formed as a result of a spin-off from a company known as Toyota Industries which was owned by his father. At present, the company leads a group composed of 522 subsidiaries. Toyota has also ventured in to other fields of business like financial services and production of robots in addition to its automobile production operations. The company, in combination with its parent group-Toyota Industries, forms one of the biggest conglomerates of the world. It also has the honor of being the only automobile producer appearing in the top10 BrandZ name recognition ranking. The premier brands owned by the company include Toyota, Lexus and Scion. It has a majority shareholding in Daihatsu Motors and has a minor share in Fuji Heavy Industries, Isuzu Motors, and the engine, motorcycle and marine craft manufacturer Yamaha Motors. The values adopted by the company’s management have been developed by its founders and have played a significant role in its success. These values have emphasized the importance of terms like, Lean Manufacturing and Just in Time Production (JIT). Toyota has also developed a unique approach, popularly known as The Toyota Production System (TPS) which forms the basis of its Lean manufacturing. The TPS is a wonderful blend of the values adopted by the company and the practices implemented by its management. The system is responsible for ensuring a proper coordination with the customers as well as the suppliers. Its preliminary business objectives were to get profit from the technologies offering potential to develop the customer experience through personalization and streamlining the internal processes in order to ensure a sustained profitability for the business (Liker, J 2004). However, Toyota has always made improvements in its existing processes to sustain its current growth rate. As a result of this, the company is able to withstand the fierce competition experienced in the automobile sector, for a number of decades. Just In Time (JIT) Just in Time is an effective combination of a number of techniques that aim to increase the return on investment of a business-activity. This is done by decreasing the size of the in-process inventory, and various associated costs, related to it. It has been observed that this technique results in remarkable improvement in an organizations return on investment, quality, efficiency and effectiveness. In fact, JIT has been considered as an integral component of an organization’s philosophy and not merely as a production technique. (Ohno 1988) JIT was first developed and mastered inside the manufacturing units of Toyota by Taiichi Ohno in order to satisfy the requirements of the customers without causing any kinds of delays. Later on, Taiichi Ohno came to be known as the father of JIT. Thus, the credit for publicizing the technique is given to Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan. Toyota was successful in overcoming the increasing challenges for its existence through this technique as it focused upon people, plants and systems. (Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2004) The company was very quick to realize that the successful execution of JIT is possible only when each individual within the company contributed towards it. Toyota pioneered this concept to upgrade its current manufacturing process in order to compete with other major players. For a long time, the company was unable to bear the expenses of huge amounts of land used for storing its finished products and spare-parts. Due to this, the economic lot size of the organization was reduced, which led to a very low return on investment for its manufacturing units. Thus, a need was felt for making these units more flexible and eliminating the overhead costs, which were affecting the profitability. With the help of constant research-work, the engineers at Toyota redesigned the manufacturing operations in order to develop a commonality of tooling for various production processes. It also made use of flexible robotic systems for performing a majority of these operations. As a result, common subassemblies were designed that could be used in several models, without wasting much time. The development and implementation of Just In Time technique led to significant improvements for the company. As the work-in process inventory was sold immediately after it was built, a rapid increase in the liquidity was observed. At the same time, the response-time for the customer’s demands came down to about a day. The rate of customer satisfaction increased in no time as vehicles were delivered before their expected deadlines. Moreover, the risk of warehousing the vehicles was completely eliminated as the company adopted the built to order policy for them. (Just in Time- Toyota’s Manufacturing Technique 2008) The very nature of JIT emphasized heavily on the quality aspect, which in turn resulted in the production of high-quality vehicles with minimum complaints. Finally, Toyota redesigned its entire manufacturing process to remove any kind of tolerances, and implemented efficient statistical controls. Consequently, Toyota trained its suppliers to ensure a quality and timely delivery for the spare-parts. JIT increased the motivation levels of the workers, who aimed to accomplish more challenging goals. It also allowed Toyota to concentrate on group effort, which resulted in talent-identification, sharing knowledge, problem-solving skills, ideas and the achievement of a common goal. All these helped the company to secure a competitive position for itself. Stock Control Automobile industry incurred high cost on storage of materials and components. Companies used to store bulk of materials and components. It is the Toyota Corporation that invented just-in-time, a system of stock control. Toyota has adopted JIT method of ordering inventory, for instance it does not keep many assembled cars in its stock. Rather, it manages to assemble the cars in 4 hours after the order is placed. There are many plants of the company who deliver parts and components for manufacturing. Wastage of time is minimized through just-in-time stock control. Detailed production schedules were worked out by manufacturers to find the efficient manufacturing system. Card ordering system ‘Kanban’ was developed to reduce the space and cost attached with large quantities. In Toyota, components were ordered only after the instruction of ‘Kanban’. According to this plan, material that can be used in 1 hour is kept in the stock. But production of whole car plant would be stopped if there is any delay of more than I hour. Initially, it was not easy to cope with the new system ‘just-in-time’. Very soon, Toyota outperformed and developed effective production system. (Hancock, Bolling Pearce 2001) Toyota production system is surprising and highly successful. The production system is valuable and useful due to its integration. Toyota production system focuses on removing waste. Lean manufacturing specialist says ‘just find and eliminate waste’ (Lean manufacturing, 2001). Searching for the waste and eliminating it leads to continuous improvement. Wastes are of many types such as organizational, psychological and materialistic. Bad design is one of the most terrible and careless mistakes, which occurs due to negligence. Bad design problem starts at the commencement of manufacturing and have an effect on other functions. Designing not only includes the design of tools and parts but also the design of manufacturing process. It is expensive to fix the poor design. (Lean manufacturing 2001) If there is a defect in any manufacturing phase, it goes down the line. This defect leads to losses that increase exponentially. Toyota has quality control system, which emphasizes on finding defects. Quality of work in an organization cannot be improved if labor feel shameful on their mistakes and have fear in their mind. (Lean manufacturing 2001) In Toyota, there is an environment of pointing out of fault by the person who has committed it. The organization has an efficient manufacturing environment, in which an employee is encouraged not to commit the mistake again instead of being punishing for that mistake. Employee training is of paramount importance in Toyota Production System. Voice of employees is listened by the management of company. Consumer demand is center of gravity in inventory management of Toyota production System. Employee feedback is also an important part of production system. Strict actions are taken on management mistakes, as they are important and harmful than the mistakes committed by the worker. Management mistakes are taken seriously and proper attention is given to them. Layout of production floor reduces motion of workers and assemblies. Employees at Toyota have specialization in many tasks, which is helpful when main skills of the workers are not required. In the period of low demand, plans are set to hold the meetings and improvements are made in off time. Inventory is highly reduced in production system. Toyota Production System stresses on consumer demand for material resource planning. Inventory is not pushed from behind rather it is pulled forward through manufacturing chain. Major source of waste is overproduction, which is minimized. The company tries to maintain relationships with few trustworthy suppliers as many suppliers involve much time and paperwork. Manufacturing process is standardized so that efficiency can be maintained. Design of the manufacturing process is such that it is forward looking as it helps in reducing the expenses of changeovers. Environmental Protection Toyota Corporation has always been known for its active participation in the environmental protection efforts. It regards the protection of the environment as a key issue for the constant growth of a business organization. In 2000, Toyota framed the Toyota Tsusho Group’s Environment Policy for guiding the actions of its managers and employees in accordance with the environmental issues. In the same year, the company set up the Earth Environment Committee, to promote its environment-related efforts. In fact, this committee formed the basis for the current Conference on the Global Environment. Another major effort of the company in this direction came in the form of Toyota Turkey Project. This project is assigned with the responsibility of economic development and progress based on acceptable principals of the ecological studies, for the coming generations. Since, high-quality products are manufactured in secure and hygienic working-environment; the project ensures that its operations strictly follow the global Toyota environmental policies in product development, design and manufacturing processes. (Environmental Factors 2008) Toyota aims to achieve its environmental protection goals with the help of following processes- Manufacturing automobiles with minimum utilization of natural resources, increased usage of renewable resources, low waste production, and causing less environmental impact by the release of hazardous substances and high levels of noise. By obeying the rules concerning the legal requirements associated with environmental issues and other environmental protection legislatures to continuously assess its environmental performance. By increasing the awareness about the environment issues among various sections of the society by training them. By starting open communication with customers and public institutions in regard to environmental management system efforts and environmental protection practices. Thus, to constantly upgrade its environmental performance, Toyota sets annual goals and targets with respect to the environmental management system. Due to its responsible behavior and exemplary efforts in this direction, the company has been certified with the ISO 14001 Environment Management System Certificate. Nearly, 5.644 m ² of the manufacturing area of the company is being lightened by the sunlight, in order to decrease the electricity consumption. Similarly, the water-pipes constructed of steel are converted into HDPE pipes, to control the wastage of water. Toyota also motivates its business-partners to actively participate in the environmental protection campaigns. With the help of the trainings, members recognition about environmental concerns is increased. For this, the company celebrates the month of June as the Environment Month, every year. In this month, various programs are organized for increasing the level of environmental awareness among all people associated with the company. On similar lines, the company has launched an environmental bulletin- Toyota Green, to complement its efforts in the given direction. In addition to this, the company undertakes detailed inspections before making further investments in business to determine its environment-related impact. It is interesting to note that these inspections are based on surveys aimed to protect the environment, before setting up any new manufacturing units. For this, the company demands detailed investigation from its procurement sources to avoid any kinds of problems related to the environment. In addition to this, check sheets are designed for undertaking surveys and properly dispose off the waste materials, released as a result of the manufacturing operations carried out at the given location. Conclusion It has been seen that the company has a strong presence in the automobile market-segment. The company has a very impressive history and believes in strong cultural values. It lays a great emphasis on the aspect of quality and efficiency to win the confidence of its customers. Moreover, the company believes in making constant changes in its existing processes to remain competitive. In fact, Toyota has always been known for the adoption of latest technologies and concepts to increase its work-efficiency and productivity from time to time. This attitude of the company is supported by the introduction of modern concepts such as JIT, Kanban and Robotics, etc. At the same time, Toyota is always prepared to experiment with the new ideas suggested by its employees, suppliers or customers. Due to this flexible approach, the company has been successful in maintaining its position in a very fierce competitive scenario. At the same time, it has been able to satisfy and fulfill the demands and requirements of its customers, in the most profitable manner. Thus, the company would be able to sustain its current growth-rate and profitability, without facing any difficulty in the near future along with its mission to protect the environment from further deterioration. It is also expected that the company would continue to develop efficient and revolutionary work-methods which would be of great utility for the entire industry. However, it has to remain attentive to the constant changes taking place in its external environment and its areas of operation. References Environmental Factors 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Hancock G, Bolling, K Pearce, B 2001, GCSE Graphic Products for OCR.Heinemann. Just in Time- Toyota’s Manufacturing Technique 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Lean Manufacturing 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Liker, J 2004, The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way: An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS, p. 37, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan. Ohno, T 1988, Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production, Productivity Press. Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2004, Canadian Driver Communications Inc.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gore Vs. Bush :: essays research papers

Gore vs. Bush Foreign Policy Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CHINA Bush would like to redefine the relationship between China and the United States to become one of competitors, not partners. Both Bush and Gore feel that the free market will most likely produce more individual freedom in China and he also supports increased trade with them. They also agree on defending Taiwan against aggression from the mainland, supporting the One-China Policy that has defined our relationship with them for a number of years. Gore believes that china should be encouraged to be a prosperous society by inducting them into various international institutions. He also feels that the U.S. should be a mediator between China and Taiwan. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RUSSIA Bush opposes any further monetary assistance to Russia from the International Monetary Fund because he says he fears that government officials will pocket the money. Gore says he supports providing financial assistance to the Russian government so that they can become a free market democracy. He feels that both Russia’s and China’s threat to the U.S. is in their weaknesses, not their strength. Richard Nixon also argued this point. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MIDDLE EAST / ISRAEL Gore and Bush both agree that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process needs to be moved forward. Bush says that the U.S. embassy should be moved from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem and he wants to work at re-establishing weapons inspection in Iraq. Gore vows to keep working with U.S. allies so Saddam Hussein isolated and to eventually get him out of power. He also said he would use military forces against Iraq if it ever became necessary. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  AFRICA Both Bush and Gore feel that free trade will aid in building democracy and economic development in struggling Third World Countries. Gore supports debt forgiveness to the poorest of these nations and Western aid to help in stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS in Central and Southern Africa. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  OTHER Both Bush and Gore support the Good Friday Accord in Northern Ireland, which calls for both sides to lay down arms. Gore wants to assist dialogue between North Korea and South Korea, and India and Pakistan. Bush wants to increase trade and investment with India making it a secure force in Asia and aid Australia with its peacekeeping efforts in east Timor. Military Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both candidates are in favor of increasing the pay for military personal and also for increasing benefits. Gore wants to enhance military readiness by maintaining a strong force, which will result from increased training. Bush feels that morale is low in the military.

Queen Elizabeth Essay -- essays research papers

Queen Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth, the first, proved to be a very good and loyal monarch to England. She brought about many changes, both good and bad. On September 7, 1533 a baby girl came into the world. Back then many parents would have been greatly disappointed to have had a baby girl, rather then a boy. However these parents were glad by the birth of their first child together. These proud parents were the king and queen of England, King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. The girl child was named Elizabeth. The only reason for the birth of Elizabeth had been that she would have been male so that he could have been the heir to King Henry the VIII. It wasn’t until two years later that Henry realized he wasn’t going to get a healthy male heir from Anne Boleyn. She had miscarried twice before delivering a stillborn son. When Elizabeth was two her father had her mother beheaded for adultery and treason, this was just a way to rid himself of her rather then get a divorce. This was not Henry’s first wife; this was his second wife. His first wife had also born him a female child. He had divorced her in hopes that he would get an heir from Anne. With his first wife, Catherine, he had a daughter, which they named Mary. Between the time of Elizabeth’s mothers death and 1537 Henry married yet again. The woman was named Jane Seymour and she cared greatly for Elizabeth. She forced Henry to take Elizabeth back into the house, as it was, Elizabeth had been sent away for schooling and whatnot. In 1537 Elizabeth’s new stepmother, Jane Seymour, gave birth to a son, the birth of this son however brought about the death of Jane from bed fever. The child was named Edward. Once Edward had been born Elizabeth faded into the background, everyday receiving less and less attention. From the time Edward was born Elizabeth spent a lot of time with him. Growing up they were very close, they spent all of their spare time together. The only real time that the two of them were apart was when it came to schooling. She received her education under the famous scholar and humanist Roger Ascham. Under his guidance, Elizabeth studied Greek and Roman classics, read history and theology, and learned both classical and modern languages. She was considered extremely intelligent, and records say that, in her youth, she spoke six languages. In 1547 He... ...izabeth’s favorites, to whom she had given lucrative and much resented monopolies. By the turn of the century, even her admirers, such as Sir Walter Raleigh, said she was "a lady surprised by time". Queen Elizabeth had never married and had never born any children this brought about the nicknames such as Good Queen Bess, and The Virgin Queen. Oftentimes poets compared her to the Moon Goddess, to a Virgin and Fertility Goddess, the bringer of justice, and the cornerstone of the Empire. Painters portrayed her in impossible magnificence and with the symbols of peace, virtue, majesty, and truth. During Elizabeth’s reign there was a boom of the arts that would be impossible for almost any other period of English history to match. Edmund Spencer, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and Ben Johnson are great names not only in English literature, but also in World literature. The English Renaissance was a highlight that appeared bloody, dark, and drear y. Elizabeth’s reign was and still is sometimes referred to as the Elizabethan Period. Shortly before Queen Elizabeth died on March 24, 1603, she designated James VI of Scotland as her successor.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Salem Scare Essay -- Literary Analysis, Arthur Miller

On the day of the hangings at Gallows Hill, many watched as friends and family were executed for crimes they had not committed. Arthur Miller wrote about that which preceded this morbid event in The Crucible. The story, which catalogs the witchcraft trials of Salem, was not an unprovoked piece of literature. At the time Miller wrote the play, America was dreadfully close to war with Russia, and many believed that communists were infiltrating the government. Joseph McCarthy was a man who oftentimes would accuse people of being â€Å"Reds.† Arthur Miller was one of the victims of McCarthy's verbal attacks. Although Arthur was in no way a communist, denying the accusation made others think he was guilty. This Catch-22 scenario reminded Arthur of the Salem Witchcraft trials of the late 1600's. Although the two events were hundreds of years apart, the â€Å"Red Scare† and the Salem Witchcraft Trials were very much alike. Frenzy was the main component of each happening, and this frenzy resulted in the unjust prosecution of many individuals. The definition, theme, and how the theme relates to my daily life are crucial to understanding The Crucible. The definition of â€Å"crucible† is â€Å"a test†. Throughout the play, many of Salem's inhabitants are tested in various ways. Of all the characters within The Crucible, there are three who had to make major decisions that would not only affect themselves but also affect the accused. John Proctor, a man who had quite a good reputation in Salem, underwent a test of moral integrity. Throughout the story, he is plagued with the guilt of having had an affair with Abigail, and in order to save his wife, must confess this sin to the court. Before his wife, Elizabeth, is taken to jail, she tells John this... ... By reading about how people within the play responded to their tests, one can reflect upon how they respond to their own tests in day to day life. The theme of how fear and suspicion feed upon themselves and result in the destruction of public order and good sense can show one the serious repercussions that come with not considering all scenarios and letting fear take control. How the theme applies to my daily life provides one with a real world example of how fear can break down reason and create unnecessary turmoil. Fear is a recurring emotion within Salem, and one that many in the village did not keep under control. This fear became a monster that consumed the town and unjustly killed many. In modern society, controlling our fear can save innocent lives and reputations and prevent occurrences such as the Salem Witchcraft Trials from ever happening again.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rasin in the Sun Walter Character Analysis Essay

Depression is ongoing feelings of hopelessness, sadness, unhappiness, and causes a bleak outlook on life. When someone is suffering from depression they cannot be at the top of their game. A Raisin in the Sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry that debuted on Broadway in 1959, which was the first play written by a black woman to be produced on Broadway. The story is based upon the family getting an insurance check; from Walter senior’s death, and the troubles of an African American family in the 1950’s. One Character, Walter shows almost every sign of depression throughout the play. He uses bad cooping skills, like alcohol, hurting his family meanwhile. Walter begins the play, as an unhappy man who is selfish but later matures into a better husband, father, and head of the household. When someone is unhappy, they tend to make impulsive decisions. In the case of Walter Lee Younger, he follows those footsteps. He proves that statement to be true when he tells the character Mama, also know as â€Å"Lena Younger† how he feel his job is nothing, saying, â€Å"†¦Mama, that ain’t no kind of job†¦ that ain’t nothing at all† (Hansberry 73). When Walter is talking to Mama about his future, he tells her he feels as if it’s, â€Å" †¦ a big, looming blank space- full of nothing† (73). That darkness he is showing in that conversation proves to us, that he is very unhappy where his life currently stands. The unhappiness he is experiencing now will later help him become a stronger man. Throughout the play, Walter shows the audience that he is a very selfish man, who will do whatever to get his way. In the beginning of the play, Walter says while talking to Ruth â€Å"I got me a dream† (33). He wants to buy a liquor store with his father’s $10,000 life insurance money, he tells Ruth, â€Å"†¦the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, †¦that be ten thousand each† (33). Walter is oblivious that Mama and Ruth want a house, and Beneatha wants money for college, showing that Walter only cares about himself. The Younger’s get a call from Walter’s work, Ruth answers and they tell her that Walter hasn’t been to work for three days. This shows that Walter is being selfish and missing work to grieve at a bar because Mama didn’t give him money for the liquor store, when he knows the family is struggling for money. Ruth confronts Walter and tells him, â€Å"†¦Mr. Arnold has had to take a cab for three days†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"†¦If you don’t come in tomorrow that they are getting a new man† (105), Walter looked at her and laughed. Walter thinks that through his selfish acts that he is going to get his way, but little does he know that it is just going to add fuel to the fire. Sometimes it’s better off to shut up, swallow pride, and accept wrongdoing. It’s not giving up, It’s called growing up. That is exactly what Walter Lee did in the third act, he proved himself that he could be a better man. When he was talking to Mr. Karl Linder about if they where going to accept his offer, â€Å"†¦to buy the house†¦ at a financial gain†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (118), Walter was planning to accept his offer, but realized his family really wanted to move into this home. He told Mr. Linder that, â€Å" †¦we have decided to move into our house because my father – my father he earned it for us brick by brick† (148) which is a very big improvement for Walter. Usually Walter does impulsive selfish acts, not thinking about his family. When Mama told Walter, talking about Travis, â€Å" †¦You make him understand what your doing, Walter Lee. You teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you. You show where five generations done come to† (147) something triggered Walter to realize what he was actually doing and made him reject the offer, doing something exceptional for the family, making himself a better head of the household. Walter also tells Linder that he is proud of Beneatha, which is very unusual. He tells him, â€Å"†¦ that’s my sister over there and she’s going to be a doctor – and we are very proud† (148), that is a very big statement that he told Linder. Earlier in the play he told Beneatha, â€Å"Who the hell told you to be a doctor? †¦ go be a nurse like other women – or just get married and be quiet.† (38), Walter completely changed his view, and actually was proud of Beneatha. Making himself a better brother. Walter Lee Younger makes a commendable change throughout the play. Walter becomes a better man, making himself better suited to be the head of the household. It took him time, but he realized what life was really about. He  stood up for the family, showing responsibility, maturity, and love to the family. * Hansberry, Lorraine . A Raisin in the Sun. 7th. 51. New york: Random House, Inc., 1958. 0-151. Print.